𝐓𝐖𝐎. 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦

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『 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 』

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『 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 』

"it's really you," jungkook whispered and ever so slowly stumbled backwards. he didn't know how to react. his once so bubbly boyfriend was now standing across of him with a gun in his hand and blood splattered all over his neat suit.

and apparently was the leader of a mafia.

taehyung stood frozen as well, disbelief written onto his face, "jungkook," he breathed out and was about to step forward, when the other shakily held his hand in front of him, "don't. . .come closer," jungkook almost whimpered.

he was scared.

the one person he still loved with all his heart, the one who always made him smile with his adorable personality just killed someone.

and there was not even a sign of remorse on taehyung's face.

"y-you. . .killed him," jungkook stuttered, still stumbling backwards as the wet strands of his onyx hair fell into his dark eyes, "you m-murdered an innocent person."

taehyung closed his eyes shut for a second, before he stared back at jungkook with no emotion visible on his face, "he wasn't innocent," he replied coldly.

ignoring jungkook's words from before, the man strolled towards his trembling figure only to stop right in front of him. the younger stared up at taehyung with fear crawling through his every vein.

"what happened to you?" he managed to croak out and taehyung clicked his tongue, "no, what happened to you? since when are you a fuckin' drug dealer?"

his glare pierced through jungkook's figure, who just blinked his lashes at him. he was stll trying to comprehend what just happened.

hell, he couldn't even focus, because right behind taehyung laid a dead man with blood still gushing out of his body.

the blood, that was also covering parts of his ex boyfriend's attire. and the cold from the wind constantly hitting his rain soaked clothes wasn't really helping him at all.

"jungkook, i'm excepting an answer when i ask you something," taehyung spat as he pushed his gun back into its holder that was attached to his belt.

and the only thing that seemed logical to jungkook was running away. because why in the love of all that's holy would he stay with his ex who apparently was now a murderer, instead of running away to probably save his own life?

the puddles of the rain left wet stains on the bottom of his pants as he rushed out of the dark alley. his breathing was labored and he could feel his sight becoming blurry, tears threatening to roll down his cheeks.

the image of the dead, in blood covered body didn't leave his mind. the fact, that it was taehyung who just killed someone so easily made it even worse.

what happened to the happy and adorable boy he once knew?

jungkook gasped in pain once another body crashed against his from beside him and the two fell down onto the wet and empty road.

his head pounded at the harsh impact and he could feel the warm blood ever so slowly running down his temple, making him wince while the rain crashed onto his now aching body.

just the sudden grip on his arm made him snap back to reality. jungkook lifted his leg to kick the man into his gut, earning himself a pained grunt, before he jumped to his feet and continued to rush further along the street.

this man wasn't taehyung.

and that realization freaked him out. because it meant he had already ordered someone else to catch him— maybe just a minute after jungkook started to run.

his head snapped around, mind clouded in fear when he saw the stranger straighten his posture again. but he didn't start trying to catch up with him. he just stood there.

and that made jungkook even more anxious.

all he could hear was the strong rain hitting the ground and his panicked breath. his eyes were unfocused, the sight blurry.

everything was spinning.

jungkook gasped in pain and exhaustion, slowing down till he stopped completely.

he turned around, chest heaving up and down as he stared at the figure of the man in the distance. the stranger had a hood pulled over his head, but jungkook knew he was looking at him.

his wet hair was sticking to his forehead, his lungs ached and his head was pounding. he could feel the blood dripping to the ground.

but what he wasn't aware of, was the black shiny car turning around the corner behind him. the man inside held one of his hands on its gear shift, the other on the steering wheel, dark eyes never leaving the now stumbling figure of jungkook.

and then the man stopped the car. he fixed the jacket of his suit around his wrist, flaming red hair falling into his eyes messily. as soon as he opened the door and stepped outside, jungkook snapped back around; the sound of the vehicle getting his attention.

"running from me doesn't work," taehyung stated and walked closer towards the shaking male. jungkook swallowed heavily, turning his head in every direction in hopes of finding a possible way to escape.

there wasn't even one.

jungkook clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into his palms, "leave me alone," he said, trying not to make his fear obvious, "you left me, we're over, so there's no need for you to come after me," he muttered as soon as taehyung stopped right in front of him with a face void of any emotion.

"technically, you're right," the man replied, "but i don't want to let you go."

eyes widening, the other lifted his gaze to taehyung's, "what?" he breathed out weakly and stumbled again, becoming dizzy. the mafia leader held onto jungkook's waist with a grin forming on his face, "you're mine, jungkook."

blinking his eyes rapidly to get rid of the blurriness, the drug dealer couldn't help the scowl taking over his face, "i'm not yours, taehyung," he spat, "not anymore," his voice went quiet towards the end and he didn't even realize when he held onto his ex boyfriend's shoulder for support.

this was all this stranger's fault for pushing him to the ground. now he was injured and jungkook already knew it won't take long till he was going to pass out.

"and that's where you're wrong," taehyung husked out, "you've been mine all this time."

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