𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑. 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶

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『 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 』

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『 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 』

"you haven't been yourself lately," jungkook heard his friend say from beside him as they walked along the river in the middle of the night. a scoff left him at this, taking another drag of his cigarette and exhaling the toxic smoke into the cold air again. the leather jacket he was wearing didn't provide much warmth at all when a breeze brushed past them, making him shiver slightly, "i know," was all he replied.

"yea, so? what happened?" seokjin asked. the other had a sarcastic smile on his lips, shaking his head for a second, "my ex happened," jungkook muttered, fingers almost nub from the freezing cold as he played with the cigarette, "wait, you mean this taehyung guy?"

nodding, the drug dealer let out a sigh, "i haven't seen him in six years and all of the sudden he stood in front of me. he kil-" jungkook stopped himself. telling someone about the fact his ex boyfriend was now a mafia leader and shot someone in the head probably wasn't the best idea. not even if it was his friend. "i just don't know what to do. you know how fucking much i missed him, but he. . .changed and i don't really think it was for the better."

seokjin shrugged, fidgeting with his own cigarette, "to be honest you changed too, kook," he said, "you were against smoking, you didn't deal with drugs. . .and if i believe your words you were so determined to become a doctor back then," the male continued and jungkook had to clench his jaw a bit, "that's just how it is, people change and you can't do against it. it's as simple as that, either you accept the change of people or cut them from your life. in the end it's your decision."

"i already have my medical degree, jin, i didn't change as much as taehyung," he scoffed and let his hard gaze wander towards the bridge in the distance. a dark figure stood on top of it in the light of a streetlamp and jungkook stopped in his tracks, "still, you're not working as a doctor yet and like i said- what are you doing?"

"let's go," was all jungkook said lowly and grabbed seokjin's hand into his own, before throwing his cigarette onto the ground and fastening his steps as he dragged his still confused friend into the opposite direction again, "kook, what's going on?"

maybe it was just his imagination, but the dark night sky and the cold wind seemed so much more dangerous than before. the usually comforting silence made jungkook almost start running just because everything sent him into a panicking mess, "kook!" seokjin's voice tore him out of his thoughts, "huh?" he murmured and frantically snapped his head around. the older furrowed his brows in slight concern, "are you okay?"

jungkook swallowed heavily, wide eyes halting on the bridge again with no one in sight, "i. . .i think i should go home," he breathed out. seokjin frowned, nodding, "i'll come with you."

--- ♤ ---

"thanks, jin," the drug dealer muttered and sheepishly scratched the back of his head, "i guess i just didn't get enough sleep these days after the incident with um. .. .taehyung," he said to which the older just smiled and ruffled through jungkook's dark hair, "don't worry about it, it's okay. just go to sleep now and stop thinking about your ex so much. i told you- either you accept the change or finally forget him."

"yea. . ." he responded and placed his hand onto the door knob, before looking back at his friend again, "do you wanna stay?"

seokjin smiled widely, shaking his head, "no, no, you need to relax and sleep and if i end up staying over we'll just talk the whole night," he laughed and jungkook scrunched his nose, nodding, "true," he chuckled in reply and shortly hugged his friend, "see you then."

"see you," the older grinned, before jungkook opened his door to slip inside his apartment. the second the door closed shut again, he let his head lean back against the hard surface, "fuck," the male whispered to himself. apparently he was already imagining things. jungkook ran a hand through his hair, pushing himself away from the door again to dtroll into his living room.

he took off his jacket, carelessly throwing it onto his couch and grabbing himself another cigarette, "now try saying again you didn't change as much as i did," a sudden deep voice mocked from behind him and jungkook froze, turning his head to the side to glance at the man leaning against the doorway of the living room, "a bit ignorant to pretend you're still the good one and i'm all of the sudden a monster or something, don't you think?"

"taehyung," jungkook started, his whole body tense when his ex boyfriend stepped closer to him, "get the fuck out," he said through gritted teeth, but nontheless felt himself becoming putty when the older stopped right behind him with his is hard chest touching his back and head leaning in to whisper into his ear, "or what?"

this goddamn voice.

jungkook stiffled a breath, the man's manly cologne invading his nose, "what could you ever do to me?" taehyung grinned, hot breath fanning against the younger's earlobe and jungkook gulped, turning around to meet the mafia leader's teasing gaze. "what are you doing here?" he whispered into the room to which taehyung turned serious again, observing his ex silently.

"someone saw us, when i brought you home last time," he said, "they want you dead, because they think you're my weakness. i'm sure you noticed that someone has been following you by now," taehyung finished. jungkook stepped back from him, furrowing his brows in confusion and the man on the bridge was the first thing that jumped into his mind. so he wasn't only imagining it. when he and seokjin would have continued to walk into his direction, they might have been dead by now- seokjin. he widened his eyes, trembling hands searching for his phone in his jacket.

taehyung watched him silently, till he decided to step in and pulled the other against his chest, "he's safe," was all he said, hesitantly moving his hand up and down jungkook's back, trying to calm the shaking male down, "get your stuff, you're gonna live with me from now on."

"i. . .i can't-" the older cut him off with a scoff, "you can and you will."

a soft breath left the red haired man, "i'll protect you, jungkook."

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