𝐒𝐈𝐗. 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨

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『 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 』

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『 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 』

jungkook was silent for the rest of their ride, staring at his still trembling hands that were clutching onto the heavy gun with his sight becoming blurry. he shot somebody— he was no better than taehyung.

the feeling of pulling the trigger and hearing the loud thunder of the bullet going off, the sight of the man holding onto his bleeding shoulder in agony. . .it was terrifying. "doll," he heard the man beside him utter once the black shiny car came to a halt and jungkook hesitantly lifted his teary eyes up to look at his ex.

taehyung stilled at jungkook's expression, observing him quietly, before he reached out to take the gun out of his weak hands, "you saved us, remember? this man deserved it, he wanted to kill us. doll, you didn't do anything wrong," he said and lifted his free hand to gently grab onto the male's chin, "you did well."

"i shot him," jungkook just whispered, "what if i would have killed him?" his voice was hushed in the silence of the car that was parked in front of a huge mansion with a bunch of associates standing around it, staring ahead.

brushing his thumb over the other's cheek, taehyung hummed, "but you didn't, so stop creating those worst case scenarios in your head," he replied, locking gazes with jungkook whose tears began to slowly dry away, "sorry," was all the younger could croak out.

taehyung's lip curved up into a grin, "don't be, doll," his thumb moved towards jungkook's lip and he tilted his head at him, catching the other's confused gaze with his own dark one, "what. . .what are you doing?" jungkook murmured wide-eyed into the torturous silence once his ex' rough thumb began to glide over the sensitive flesh of his bottom lip.

his breath was caught in his throat, frozen in place on his seat and trying his best not to fall into the older man's luring senses. he was so confused and overwhelmed over everything that had happened the last days or more like hours to be precise. in his mind, he still remembered taehyung's adorable behavior with his skirts and dresses fluttering in the soft breeze of the wind as the boy spun around in happiness with a wide smile on his lips. hair curling cutely and glitter on his cheeks, glossy and pouty lips whenever jungkook said he didn't have the time to watch a disney movie with him.

the flustered look on his face everytime he'd kiss him rather roughly, gripping onto his thighs and pulling him onto his lap or pushing him against the wall to devour him whole. his bright red cheeks, teary eyes and oh so sweet sinful sounds leaving his mouth the whole time. the lewd expressions he wore, throwing his head back in pleasure and letting jungkook have whole control over him. that's what he remembered him as.

not this godly looking man in front of him with this mocking smirk on his lip and neat suit covering his muscular figure as his dark eyes seemed to take in every tiny detail on him. taehyung never called him doll before, it was jungkook who used those names to get the older to become a flustered mess all the time. simply because he loved seeing it.

"nothing," taehyung breathed out rather quiet and seemed to snap out of his own thoughts, clearing his throat, "we should go inside, i'll get jimin to show you your room and everything else—"

"—i want you to do it," jungkook said, before he could stop himself and the mafia leader paused, "i can't, i have to get my work done. you'll like jimin."

"no, taehyung, you're going to show me around," he scoffed and he himself had no idea what he was doing anymore. his gaze wandered out of the tinted window, scanning the mansion up and down. but jungkook snapped his head back to his ex, when he heard him sigh and raised his brow at him, "fine, i'll do it."

the younger grinned and leaned in to taehyung, whose once so confident gaze turned slightly uncertain, "good boy," he whispered into his ear, hot breath fanning against the man's skin.

taehyung bit his lip, turning his head towards jungkook. neither of the two said anything at their sudden close proximity, lips almost brushing against each other, "you're playing a dangerous game, doll," the older rasped out.

jungkook smiled, "are you sure it's not the other way around?" he whispered against taehyung's lips, eyes staring straight into the mafia leader's.

almost unintentionally they tilted their heads to get even closer and the older brought his hand up to grab jungkook by his nape, holding him in place. "we shouldn't do this," he muttered and the younger nodded, "i know," but neither of the two made a move to pull away.

because they still longed for each other.

"we should go inside," taehyung muttered and was about to retract from the other. jungkook huffed in annoyance, grabbing onto the man's jaw to stop him from moving, "we should do so many things," he husked out, lips barely touching taehyung's, "but you know me. and i really don't give a fuck about that right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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