𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄. 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴

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『 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 』

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『 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 』

jungkook was close to passing out as his head pounded heavily and the cold rain kept pouring onto his figure in the darkness of the night. his fingers dug into taehyung's shoulder, feeling the other's grip on his waist tightening.

"come on, i'll drive you home," the mafia leader husked out, the sound of it dull in jungkook's ears. "no, i'll walk," said male replied weakly, but nonetheless stumbled slightly as soon as he pulled away.

the drug dealer groaned and leaned against a streetlamp beside them, "fuck," he whispered once he brought his fingers up to the wound on his head and then stared at the red liquid covering his fingertips, "you can't walk home in this state."

jungkook scoffed, "bet."

taehyung rolled his eyes at his stubbornness and stepped forward again, grabbing the man's upper arm in a harsh grip and dragging him towards his black, expensive car. "let go off me!"

"shut your mouth and get in," taehyung scowled as he opened the door and pushed jungkook onto the passenger seat, before slamming it shut again. a sound of disbelief left jungkook at this and he watched his ex-boyfriend walk around the car through the thick glass.

now being engulfed by warmth and the smell of a manly cologne and new car, he shortly let his gaze wander over the shiny black interior. his soaked clothes stuck to his body uncomfortably, almost making jungkook wince.

when taehyung got into the car as well, they locked gazes for a second, before the mafia leader cleared his throat, "same place?" he asked with a monotonous voice. jungkook simply nodded.

silence consumed them after that, neither of them uttering a word and jungkook found himself chewing on his bottom lip in nervousness. his left leg bounced up and down and his arms were folded over his chest protectively, while he stared at the rain drops racing their way down the window beside him.

"could you stop that?"

jungkook jumped by the sudden exclaim, "huh?" he muttered, wide eyes raking over taehyung's muscular figure.

the man had one of his arms leaned against the door, his left hand on the steering wheel and his right one on top of the gear shift. "your leg," taehyung said and jungkook immediately stopped bouncing it up and down, "sorry."

not receiving an answer, the drug dealer fluttered his eyes shut, trying to ignore the heavy pain in his head as he leaned against the backrest of his seat.

he was so confused with everything that had happened this night. god, jungkook was already thinking about taehyung, before he even got there and it most certainty didn't help to get over him, when taehyung decided to just appear in his life again.

especially as a mafia leader.

jungkook was still not over that.

how in the world did his adorable baby become a ruthless killer? what was taehyung even doing as a mafia leader other than murder people?

the thought alone was freaking him out.

but his heart could not deny that he missed taehyung all the time. he missed his everything; and now his ex was sitting right beside him, driving him home after shooting someone in the head.

jungkook swallowed at the reminder of taehyung killing kyungso in front of his eyes, but once he turned to take a glance at the man again— his heart fluttered in his chest.

he just needed to know what happened six years ago for taehyung to just leave him like that. he needed answers.

"we're here," taehyung announced as he stopped in front of the small house with its white paint chapping off it ever so slowly. jungkook hummed, ready to get out of the luxurious car, before he stopped and remained still on his seat, "are you not going to leave?"

jungkook turned to look at him and stared him dead in the eye, "no, i want answers," he replied. a mocking chuckle left taehyung at this and he placed his arm on the backrest of jungkook's seat, "what answers?"

"why did you leave me?"

the older male stayed silent and scanned jungkook's face up and down; from his pretty, dark brown eyes down to his bow shaped lips with the tiny mole below and back up to his cheek, where a small scar rested. "you don't need to know that," taehyung responded after while, "it's not like you'd understand anyway."

"well, i surely won't if you're not even trying to explain it to me," jungkook said and glared at his ex once he saw a hint of amusement on taehyung's face, "there's nothing funny about that."

"of course not," the mafia leader hummed, "you see, jungkook, some things are just not meant for you to know nor to understand. it'd be useless, if i tell you."

jungkook scoffed. to him, it all sounded like some stupid lies so taehyung wouldn't have to explain anything to him. "so, you won't ever tell me your reason?" he asked and his gaze turned emotionless as he looked at the older man. "probably not," was all taehyung replied.

"fine, but don't think of ever coming near me again then. i don't really want to be involved with the mafia, you know? i'm sure you can understand that," he smiled sweetly, all while taehyung clenched his jaw, "i'm very sorry to say that, but i can't do that."

of course he couldn't. but he was probably not going to tell him the reason for that, too.

"and why's that?"

taehyung smirked, "i told you before, you're mine-"

jungkook leaned forward, teasingly brushing his lips against the older's for a second, "as far as i remember, you've always been mine, taehyung. not the other way around." he whispered into the car, "weren't you? a little good boy for me, that's what you were, right?" he pulled away again. upon noticing how the other froze slightly, he grinned again, "that's what i thought. but now, i have to go."

and as soon as he stepped out of the car, a wide smirk formed on his face. 

because right behind this wall taehyung had built around himself was still the same little submissive boy he once knew.

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