𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄. 𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳

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『 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 』

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『 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 』

sitting beside his ex in the luxurious black car seemed way too familiar to jungkook by now. his head was turned to the side, left leg bouncing up and down anxiously and teeth digging into his bottom lip ever so often. he was longing for a cigarette, the fact someone was trying to kill him stressing him out to the max.

"i told you this the last time already— stop doing that," the other's annoyed, deep voice groaned out and jungkook clicked his tongue, "fuck off, taehyung," he rasped, rubbing his eyes and purposely bouncing his leg up and down faster.

a low scoff left the mafia leader at this, rough hand removing itself from the gear shift and placing it onto jungkook's thigh. the younger froze, wide eyes looking down at his ex' calloused hand on his body, "wasn't that hard, was it?" taehyung carelessly said, grinning, when he felt the other stop.

"you're. . .god, i don't even know, just fuck off," jungkook muttered and pulled the hood of his sweater over his head, leaning it against the cold surface of the window and trying his best to ignore the warm touch of taehyung's hand on his thigh. "you're acting like a teenager that just hit puberty," the man replied coldly to which jungkook folded his arms over his chest, turning his head to the side even more, "what, you're not talking to me anymore?"

taehyung rolled his eyes at the younger's behavior and shortly squeezed the flesh of his thigh. jungkook flinched in surprise, head spinning around to glare at the mafia leader, "stop touching me, who do you think you are, you—" he got cut off by taehyung's phone ringing loudly. the older sighed, taking his hand off jungkook's thigh and taking his phone out of the pocket of his black slacks, all while driving the car.

the drug dealer would never admit it, but he already missed the touch of his warm, rough hand on his body. he clamped his mouth shut, turning to look out of the tinted window again.

"what?" was the first thing taehyung said into the phone and jungkook could hear some incoherent mumbles on the other side, the man beside him all of the sudden speeding up.

jungkook widened his eyes, holding onto his seat, "slow the fuck down, you're gonna kill us!" he yelled. taehyung ignored him, "got it. also, tell jimin to get everything ready, we'll be there soon— of course after i got rid of them, hoseok," he spat and hung up, throwing the phone onto the backseat.

"hold on to something," he demanded in a monotonous voice, hand back on the gear shift and feet pushing harder onto the pedal, "are you insane?" the younger gasped, getting pressed against his seat from the intense speed of the car, "slow down!"

"if you want to die, gladly, but i doubt that. so, how about you shut your little mouth and let me do the work now, okay, doll?" taehyung lifted his hard gaze to the rear view mirror in his car, "no, no, definitely not okay!" jungkook's panicked voice came out, "what the fuck is happening?"

"someone's following us," the other simply said, an evil smirk forming on his lips as he sharply turned the car. jungkook's head hit the window harshly and he winced, "asshole," he cursed; the other scoffing, "i told you to hold on to something."

choosing to ignore him, the younger rubbed his now aching head, bottom lip moving forward in a small pout. "that hurt," he murmured, before he could stop himself and taehyung let out a mocking breath, "i bet you a gunshot would hurt more, doll."

"huh?" jungkook widened his eyes, pushing himself off his seat a bit and turning around to look behind them. a plain black car wasn't far from them, obviously trying to catch up with one of their windows rolled down. a man's head was visible, gun in his hand that was aiming at their car, "what the fuck," he whispered, quickly shrinking back in his seat.

"what? scared?" taehyung smirked, shortly glancing at him, before he drove the car into a dim lit tunnel. and almost immediately, they heard a loud shot going off from behind them, "bastard," the mafia leader growled, "doll, open the glove box."

ignoring the name like before, jungkook swallowed heavily, but did as he was told. "take the gun, remove the safety and give it to me," taehyung ordered, glancing through the rear view mirror again and clenching his jaw a bit, "i don't know how to do that!" the younger raised his voice in distress, carefully taking the weapon into his trembling hands and gulping heavily.

"just—" the older stopped talking, when the car catches up and drove right beside them. the gun now aimed at taehyung's window, "give me the gun."

jungkook was shaking like never before, quickly handing the weapon to his ex, who took his hands off the steering wheel and removed the safety, looking at the car beside them with narrowed eyes, before he pushed onto the pedal harder and raced past them, "i need you to roll down your window and wait for them to be behind us again. then you're gonna shoot."

"i'm gonna do what now?" taehyung handed the gun back to the younger, "you heard me, doll. shoot."

"i can't—" the mafia leader glanced at jungkook and scoffed, "you can. just pull the trigger when he's in your aiming field," he said to which the panicking male laughed sarcastically, "you're saying it as if it's nothing!"

"they want us dead!" taehyung raised his voice, speeding up a tad more till the other car was behind them once again, "now, jungkook!"

the younger swallowed, rolling down his window and holding his head and arm out to aim at the men that were following them. the wind hit him full force, the hood of his sweater getting blown off his head and it felt like every sound was dull when he locked gazes with the other man, who lifted his gun back up as well.

"pull the trigger, for fucks sake, jungkook!" taehyung's voice yelled, eyes snapping up to the mirror and cursing again. the drug dealer's hand was still trembling, finger hovering over the trigger, when the other man shot. he flinched in surprise and shock, unintentionally pressing down on the trigger of the gun and all he could do was watch how the other let his weapon fall down, hand clutching onto his now bleeding shoulder. the car slowed down and taehyung used their chance to race out of the dark tunnel.

he grabbed jungkook by his sweater and pulled him back onto his side, rolling the window up again. a grin crept onto his face, "good work, doll," he praised the shaking male beside him, who stared wide eyed at the gun in his hand.

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