F|Boy Next Cell pt.2|Seongjoong

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Seonghwa eyed the restaurant curiously. It was fancy, the lighting was warm and dimmed, candles illuminated their faces. It was rather quiet as the tables were quite distanced; there was only faint chatter to hear. The elder tipped his lips and kept his eyes on himself, and eyed the menu in his hands. "Ah... I think my attire is a little... Underdressed for such a luxurious place?" he marked quietly and debated if his money was enough for a glass of water and a plain salad.

Hongjoong rose his brow and chuckled softly. "I tried to guess your preference," he replied and closed the menu. "And I see you tried to guess mine," the younger added and eyed the unbuttoned shirt with the rolled-up sleeves.

"You didn't seem like a guy that likes expensive restaurants and eating under candlelight," Seonghwa replied and set the menu card to the side. "Was I wrong about my guess though?"

"Mhm no," the other replied and allowed a little smirk "If I had known that you would choose this, I would have brought you to somewhere more... Suiting," he said and presented the elder a quite daring smirk. "But I was right about my guess, wasn't I?" he winked cockily.

Seonghwa's lips flashed a grin. "Mhm~ I must say, you did," he replied and tipped his lips. He would have loved to come here in elegant attire and talk about the world's wonders with his date. The elder still loved the ambiance, he was completely flashed by the accuracy of Hongjoong's guess. But the side glances he was getting from a couple of people were nagging him to death. He wasn't a fan of stares of being looked at for too long; it made him feel nervous. "Next time you better tell me where you're going to take me," Seonghwa said and tilted his head a little to the side.

"Ah? So there is a next time?" Hongjoong grinned and lifted his brow confidently. "Of course. Next time, we're going to do things that are more fun than sitting here" he replied and lifted his hand lightly to gesture to the waiter that we had chosen our meals.

Seonghwa panicked for a moment. After examining the menu he knew that his wallet would only pay for a fancy salad and maybe a side dish. It would be so embarrassing though. And with every step the waiter took, the hotter his face got.

The younger glanced over to Seonghwa and couldn't but smirk. His full cheeks were rosy, and even though his bangs were over his eyes, he caught the nervous look in them. He found it cute how his elder thought he would be left to pay. And it fed his ego a little. Hongjoong had awaited this date with much excitement. There was just something about the other that he couldn't really grasp yet, but he liked it. There was no red flag yet, and that was new for Hongjoong. So, he had prepared this date well; he would do everything he could to leave a good memory to the other.


"You really didn't have to pay, Hongjoong," Seonghwa said as they left the restaurant with full stomachs. "I don't like it when people pay for my stuff. It would have been just fine if we had split the bill"

The younger rolled his eyes and turned to his elder. "I asked you out for this date, so I'm paying" he stated and flashed a wink before he put his arm around Seonghwa's shoulders. "The night is still so young. If you insist to pay, you can pay for our next little adventure" he laughed and guided the other down the parking lot to his car.

"N-Next adventure?" Seonghwa asked taken by surprise.

"Ah, Seongie~" Hongjoong chuckled. "Did you really think that was it? I feel attacked, I thought you took me for a better man than that," he laughed and stopped at his car. "I promise you, I will bring you back here to get your car when we're done, okay?"

Seonghwa was overwhelmed by the whole organization the younger must have put into the date he thought of so small. "How do I know you're not going to kidnap me, mhm?"

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