F|To The End Of Our Days|Sanhwa

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Note, this is the alternative version from the last one-shot.
For some reason I came to think about this only after finishing the first one.

A short part of the beginning is the same as the last one-shot.

⊰᯽⊱┈──╌❊ - ❊╌──┈⊰᯽⊱

"Where are you?"

"Oh, I didn't want to wake you," Seonghwa chuckled and kept pushing the shopping cart as he walked between the aisles, his phone squeezed between shoulder and ear. "I wanted to make breakfast and then noticed that we needed groceries, so I went shopping... you looked too cute to be woken up," he admitted and didn't dare to hide the flush on his cheeks. Not that his boyfriend could see.

San's lips escaped a sleepy groan as he turned in the still warm and cozy bed, the phone pressed on his cheek. "Mhm I love your breakfast~" he hummer, "though I would have rather not woken up alone~ how could you?"

"I'll be back in... two? Two hours, don't whine already," Seonghwa gave back as his eyes examined the vegetable section. "What about vegetable stew tonight?" he asked and grinned sheepishly all over his face when San made vomiting sounds. "Sometimes you behave like a baby that doesn't want to eat their veggies..." the elder sighed eye-rolling but couldn't hide the little dumb smile. He shrugged his shoulders and still put the needed ingredients in the cart.

"Veggies are evil-"


"Tsk, I dare you to say that in my face when you're back"

A little, excited shudder ran down his back. "Mhm... I will, I will say it~"

San turned back on his stomach, the sun rays blinding his eyes. There was a smirk tugging at the younger's lips as he welcomed the warmth of the fresh morning sun in his face. At the words falling from his boyfriend's tongue, his brow rose. "Ah?" he replied and made sure to bring our the raspy morning voice as well as possible. "Then I think we will see what my kitten has to await then, hm?"
Seonghwa's cheeks burned like flames, he swallowed the knot in his throat and prayed that no one passing noticed his embarrassment. The younger could only laugh at the missing reply; he could imagine a picture of the flushed elder standing in the middle of an aisle, cheeks flushed and lips pursed. "Well then, I won't hold you back any longer. Get home fast, love you~"

"Love you too"


San opened the shower cabin and let all the steam escape. There was nothing above his morning shower and routine. It helped him organize his thoughts and make the plan for the day. And as that specific day nothing like any other day of the year, he had to be especially collected.

It was their third anniversary.

And San had prepared so many things he wanted to do with the elder. With the help of his friends, he had prepared a picnic at the lake for lunch, rented a paddleboat and a small bungalow at that lake to stay at for tonight. The whole scene was already set up, he had set up a projection screen and projector to watch movies outside at night, had rented Wooyoung's cooking skills for dinner.

San had gone all out for preparations for this year, there was more he had in mind, of course. Usually, Seonghwa was the one with the best gift every single year. They were so well thought and meaningful, while San had a hard time choosing the right gift for him. But with this year's gift he was confident, there was no way that the elder could top it, he had an ace up his sleeve.

The younger wrapped his bathrobe around him, brushed his teeth, and exited the bathroom. Only then he thought about a morning coffee. Seonghwa would have told him no if he was there. It was a habit of San to drink coffee after having freshly brushed his teeth and then complain about the faint yellow-ish coat it left on his teeth. "Well..." San sighed and changed his route from the bedroom to the kitchen, "I can brush my teeth later again... not that he can complain if he doesn't know..." he reasoned and opened the cupboard to search for his mug.

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