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The light from the shades seemed to fulgurate through his rapidly blinking lids, seemingly stunning him in a pose of hiding his eyes to avoid the sun's merciless shine. Jimin sat up, groggily running his hands over his swollen face and hazily moving his legs to stretch his stiff joints and crack any bones that were too tight from his bad posture.

Lately, Jimin noticed his sleep schedule became rather irregular, his mind would constantly drift off to pointless things. Topics like bills, upcoming events, even meal plans plagued his thoughts while he laid still, waiting for sleep to capture him. However, Jimin took severe note that he hardly slept on Wednesday nights, though he was in denial about the reason, it was inevitable that he wouldn't get a wink in because of a certain patient of his.

Yoongi. In the depths of his mind, he knew that Yoongi was the reason, yet he ceased to believe it. Jimin refused to accept that Yoongi made him nervous, that Yoongi was the sole excuse for the way he dressed on their appointment days, he rejected the feeling of longing and excitement when the clock struck four; Jimin was in complete denial that Yoongi made him giddy and lovesick. It's impossible that for so many years of bland, ghosted romance that Yoongi made him feel the way he did.

Jimin was well aware that his heart rate did pick up whenever he noticed the man glancing at him for too long to be deemed appropriate, he became alert at the slightest shift the man made; whether it be moving his weight over to one leg, or sniffing from the cold, Jimin looked at all of him, whenever he had the chance to. Yoongi had simply consumed all of Jimin's mind, the boy became incredibly fascinated with anything he did, said, or even the way he looked.

Jimin couldn't stop himself from thinking of Yoongi at any given time of the day, he was unable to not picture the man smiling, laughing, or even in a fantasy of his. He usually had symbolic dreams, whether they be about love, memories, or a hazed vision of a connection, Jimin's nightly lucid state gave way for any interpretation he could muster. Thus when he dreamt of Yoongi holding him closely, his head resting against the man's broad chest with his arms secured tightly around him whilst clear waves danced around their calves, Jimin knew that the feelings he had were less labeled as obsession and more leaning towards attraction, fondness, maybe even adoration.

The day seemed to never progress as Jimin had trudged his way into work, attempting to tame his excitement of seeing Yoongi tonight as best as he could. Just the sight of the man was enough to leave Jimin satisfied and energized for the rest of the week. Yoongi had seemed unapproachable at first, with his shy gestures and weak conversation skills, however as the man grew more comfortable and accustomed to seeing Jimin on a regular basis, he opened up more and expressed his emotions better. Jimin would typically admire patients for opening up and overcoming their mental walls, however, he couldn't help but feel prideful in getting Yoongi to expose himself in any way he would ask. Jimin considered it a personal achievement.

"You've got it bad huh?"

"What." Jimin removed his lips from his teacup and sheepishly looked at Jungkook, who wore a sickening smirk while he rested his chin on his palm.

"Oh nothing," Jungkook leaned further onto Jimin's desk, fluttering his eyelids, "who's got you daydreaming, hm?"

Before Jimin could dismiss his glazed state, Jungkook interrupted, "Is it Myung?"

The counselor scoffed, "I told you we stopped seeing each other weeks ago."

"Yeah but," Jungkook smiled knowingly, "the reason why is what I'm interested in."

Jimin could only narrow his eyes, "Will you drop it?"

"Just say the words out loud! It feels good."

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