₵Ⱨ₳₱₮ɆⱤ 20

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(This chapter's gonna be loooong so buckle in kids.)

     You watched everyone tap their champagne glasses together with a smile on your face. 

     "To Y/N and her new house!" Cheered Nicole. 

     Everyone took a swig - well, everyone except for you and Kai. 

     "I wish we could have some," They sighed from the seat next to you. 

     You didn't know Kai all that well yet - they had recently started working here, being introduced to you by Nicole. They seemed like a fun person, though, so you had tried to become their friend. 

     "Champagne, though?" You asked Kai, turning to look at them. "It's probably gross as hell."

     "You can't know until you try it." They pushed their short green hair out of their eyes before chuckling. "19 and 20. We almost make the cut - do you think Henry would let us?" 

     You rolled your eyes. 

     "Of course not. It's Henry. He's like... a dad or something. That's what he acts like, at least."

     "Yeah. A helicopter dad." The two of you laughed a little bit before falling silent. 

     Soon, Nicole walked up to you. 

     "I'm 21 and you're not, loser," She boasted. You punched her in the shoulder. 

     "Shut up," You laughed. 

     She took a sip of her champagne as Kai strayed away from the two of you to get some pizza.

     "Isn't it weird to see the restaurant so empty?" She asked. 

     "What do you mean?" 

     Nicole smiled and lowered her glass a bit. 

     "Well, I dunno. It's just that it usually seems to be super full of parents and kids, so the contrast kind of creeps me out." 

     "You know what creeps me out?" You asked, your gaze wandering over to the stage. 


     "Seeing the animatronics like this." Nicole followed your gaze to the robots on the stage.

     "Yeah. I guess it is a little eerie." 

     You nodded, keeping your eyes locked on the silent, unmoving animals. 

     "They're like shells of what they used to be. Something poetically phrased like that. I dunno."

     Your friend nodded. 

     "I get it. Super freaky." 

     The two of you fell silent as you stared at Freddy's eyes. They were supposed to stare back, but now they seemed to be dead; void of all of the light they used to hold. 

     Suddenly, Nicole jolted you out of your reverie. She set down her glass on a nearby table before patting her hands excitedly against your shoulder. 

     "What, what?" You asked, a little disturbed. 

     "When are we going to talk about your secret love affair?" She asked happily, her eyes alight with childish deviance. 

     You shrugged her off. 

     "There's no secret love affair to talk about." 

     Nicole scoffed and rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. 

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