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     You sighed in relief as the car finally stopped. The vehicle shuddered as the engine came to a halt - you had arrived.

     The trip there seemed to have taken an eternity. Maybe it was because of the odd feeling creeping up your back the whole way, seeming to engulf you as you thought of returning to the old restaurant. Or maybe it was because of the nonstop "are we there yet"'s from the back seat.

     One more was heard, and you rolled your eyes before letting your neck go slack and feeling your forehead slam on the steering wheel. Ow.

     "Yes," you groaned in response, not entirely prepared to spend more than a short babysitting session with Jack. Your little brother was now nagging at you excitedly to open your car doors.

     Despite the whiny little voice trying desperately to drill its way into your soul (and succeeding), you kept the doors locked. Not only did making your little brother wait bring you some sort of sick relief from the control of his effortless annoyance, but you also needed a moment to breathe.

     It was no secret that you didn't want to endure the mental stress that returning to Freddy's would bring you. You never really liked the old restaurant, and you were surprised and just a tad bit spiteful that it hadn't been shut down by now. Whatever.

     Jack had begun to drum his little feet on your cloth interior. 

     "Okay!" You hissed, whipping around to make stern eye contact with the boy. But his attention was drawn to the cheery building standing tall in front of your car.

     With the hesitant click of a button, a mechanical whirr was heard, and a door swung swiftly open at the hands of your pesky kid brother. He tumbled onto the asphalt in a hurry, jumping up and down with excitement.

     Part of you wanted to mimic him; you envied whatever it might feel like not to be creeped the hell out by this place. But at the same time, you knew your mindset about Freddy's was justified, and it made you feel like all of the other chipper customers were being brainwashed for not thinking the same. You tried not to think about it.

     All you had to do was try to make the best of this day and it'd be over forever... right?

     "Come on!" Jack nagged excitedly from outside your open window.

     Upon your step inside, Jack ran wild into what was his wonderland of games and childish dreams. Yeah, just wait until he finds out he needs my money to get any tickets. You thought, allowing a grin to creep up on your lips. Only for a second, though.

     Your gaze landed on the main stage, though, it was the last thing you wanted to look at. You cursed the guys in charge for drawing so much attention to the area; having used such colorful strobe lights and bubbly music only could have led to the little stage being the center of attention; somewhat like the magnum opus of the restaurant.

     You let yourself study the architecture from afar, trying to keep your attention on the bright curtains and wood as opposed to the swiveling faux creatures upon it all.

     Slowly, you lifted your gaze to the most recognizable face as you took a step forward.

     Freddy Fazbear. He had a top hat and bowtie, along with an old microphone and brown fur so unruly and ancient that he looked dirty. The childhood icon swiveled to the upbeat music, seeming to sing along as his creaky jaw lifted and fell like it was broken.

     A shiver rolled down your spine, and for a second, your whole body trembled. It was such an eerie sight, the old bear, and yet nostalgic, too. You hated it.

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