GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!1!1!111!!!!1!!

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hey yall, guess what!

it's my birthday! :D

i just thought that was sort of funny because Y/N has a birthday in the sequel to Blind Love! crazy how the world works, right?


ohhhh yeah forgot to mention that lol BLIND LOVE IS GETTING A SEQUEL!!!!!!!

now, for those of you who don't care about sappy stuff, just skip this next part. [becomes literate]

It was thanks to you guys that I decided to write a sequel. I love each and every one of you so much. I literally felt so special looking at all the comments on the last chapter of this fanfiction because in all honesty, I never thought I would get here. I'm like, fucking famous or something? It's insane man!!!

But, um, enough about me for now.

My thanks goes out to my few followers back then, who left support on every chapter. You helped me sooo much. <3

My thanks also goes out to all you crazy horny motherfuckers who never failed to make me laugh. (Shoutout to whoever commented that ramen is the dick veins of the gods, I thought that shit was so funny I have it on a sticky note on my wall.) YOUR HUMOR IS ELITE AND I LOVE YOU.

My thanks goes out to those of you who voted on every single chapter. That's dedication.

And, finally, my thanks goes out to anyone who left a huge-ass paragraph on Chapter 32. You guys did NOT have to do that, and yet you did. Some of those comments have made me ugly sob god damn. You guys are the main reason I'm writing a sequel in the first place.

From the ones reading silently to the ones making cults about the characters, you all are the most special people in the world to me. Your support is the best birthday gift I could ask for. (Kinda wish I could get some money though.)


The sequel won't start to come out for a couple of weeks, so I apologize for that, but I thought I needed to let you all know. Make sure to look out for it I guess. :P

with (blind) love,



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