chapter 1

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AN: there will be some TW in this chapter. 


i groaned waking up, not wanting to because waking up means another day, and another day means work, and work means seeing my perverted boss. but you got to do what you gotta do to make days end.

i get out of bed take a shower brush my teeth, and as i'm exiting the door the smell of bacon surrounds me. ohhh how lovely it is to have seungmin, bet y'all can't relate. heheheh

i walk down stairs and as i presumed seungmin was in the kitchen whippin it up. to his future lover, "your one lucky fucker."

i go up and back hug him. "heyyyy hyunggg" i say to him "hi lixxie" he says "if your coming in here to steal food, don't i'll beat you with my spatula!"

i let go and look at him with hurt in my eyes. "hyunggggg i'm hungry though" i say pouting hoping he will give me just a little. "if my baby jeongin has to wait" he says, "so do you"

i walk to the living room pouting. i should have known jeongin is his favorite child.


every one has now left to got to college or to work. and i'm stuck at home by myself i don't have to go in until one o'clock, and it's only ten thirty seven. but i rather be at work that be by myself. so i call my boss.

"hello mr. park" i say with an uneasy voice, this man gives me the creeps. "hey felix to what do i owe this pleasure?" "ummmm i was wondering if i can come in early today?"

i say hoping he says yes, even though i don't like him the money pays good and free lunch. "sure sweetheart what time where you looking at for coming in?" i frickin shiver at him calling me sweetheart. "ummm is now okay?" "sure baby, you'll work the register okay, get here soon."

i say okay and end the conversation. he creeps me out so much but i don't have the guts to tell him because i need money, and the only way to get it is to work. so i'm screwed.

i get to work and check in with the boss so he knows i'm here. and then i go to the register and start my day.

i take orders take money give money give drinks. some occasionally ask for my number, what can i say, my mom did me right. i do the same tiring routine but who can i blame, i wanted to come in so early.

i'm waiting at the register and four men come in. when i say hot broooo they were hot, hot like just came from hell hot. like take me now on this counter hot, like make me scream daddy hot. my face reddens as my thoughts go wild.

they come up to the counter and i say "w-what can i get you guys today?" i mentally curse at myself for stuttering, but if you guys were in my position you'd probably faint so haaa!!! the insanely two hot guys in the middle says that they want a black coffee with three shots of espresso no sugar no cream. i mentally vomit. the insanely pretty one on the left says he wants an americano(au: joha joha, lol) the other insanely hot one says he wants a iced caramel latte. i ask them for their name so i can call them when it done, the on in the middle said " the first two black coffee's put chris, and minho. for the second order put hyunjin, and for the third order put changbin." i put the names and say "o-okay you order will be done soon" they pay for it and sit at a table waiting.

i finished making their drinks and called each of their names they got their drinks and i said good bye and have a nice day. the guy named chris said you too and before he left he looked back and winked. my flippin heart man. what is he doing bruhhh.

the rest of my day is normal take order take money give money make orders call names, you know the usual. my shift is almost over and one of the other employees come up to me and say boss want to see me before my shift ends, and i say okay and we go back to working.
AN !!!
TW: there are some mentions of sexual harassment so if your u comfortable and would like to skip this "~~~" is when it's done!!!!

before i leave i go so mr. park i knock on the door and he says come in and take a seat, and i do so. "sir mingi said to come to you after my shift, did you need something?" he looks at me and tells me that he is willing to give me a higher position in the cafe and a raise. i'm mentally screaming like i'm going get a raise omg omg omg!!!

then he says "for a price" my whole heart stopped. i look at him and say " sir i am willing to work harder each and every day" hoping that was his price when deep down i knew he was talking about something else.

i look down in my lap and he starts walking towards me. he lifts up my chin and bends down to whisper in my ear "baby boy now you know that's not my price, i want something else." "w-what is it that you want?" i say with tears following after. he look at me in my eyes and say " your body, i want your body" and start sucking on my neck.

i try pushing him off telling him to stop i'm my tears, but he doesn't. he moves his hand on my thigh and keeps going up, i'm trying so hard but it not working, so then i start screaming saying for someone to help me, and i guess he didn't like that, so he slaps me and tells me to shit up before he does something worse. he's back at my neck and unbuttoning by shirt, i'm still crying in hopes of someone hearing me. and someone did.


mingi come busting through the door and sees what's happening and pushes me. park off me and start punching him. i'm still crying buttoning my shirt up and trying to get my breathing steady. mr. park looks dead, so i get minho off him and say "s-stop m-mingi he looks dead, you can get in trouble" i take his hand and pull him out of the cafe and thank him before we both leave.

i come home and all the boys are on the couch and they look at me like they saw a ghost. i guess it looked like i have been crying, and they all rushed to me and asked if i was okay and what happened.

we sit down and i tell them what happened and jeongin start to cry jisung looks like he is about to break down, and seungmin looks like he wants to cry but he is holding it together. seungmin and i try to calm both jeongin and jisung down.

once they are both calm we watch movies and cuddle. i look at the clock and it's about one o'clock in the morning and i just had this absurd decision to go clubbing.

so i ask them if they wanted to and every one was down. so we all got ready and we left. we got in the club and went straightforward the bar, i don't know how he didn't question any of us if we were 21, i guess he could tell we were having a bad day.

we all started drinking and we went to the dance floor jisung, jeongin, and seungmin were all grinding on someone, as was i. then i got a text from my little squirrel that he left with a guy, same thing with my fox and puppy.

so i just decided to leave too. i walk out if you can even say walk, i'm literally tripping over my feet. as i'm walking a guy pulls me into and ally and  against a wall.

TW: there are some mentions if sexual harassment when it's done i will put "~~~~~~" to let y'all know if you want to skip it.

he start whispering in my ear telling me he going to take my right now against the wall, calling slut. i'm trying to push him off and it's not working again. i yelling stop and he still won't move, so i started to scream for help, i am screaming and crying for help.

i guess someone heard me because the guy is off me getting punched on the ground. and i just slide on the ground and continue my sobs


i guess pretty boys are meant to be used, i mentally laugh at my thought. "w-what a b-bad d-day." i whisper in between my sobs.

thought on it so far ???

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