chapter 6

451 16 1

felix pov

i wake up form my sleep looking around this isn't my room i tell myself in my head. i turn my head to see a gorgeous looking chan. "he is so pretty i whisper to myself." as i reach my hand to brush some hair out of his face.

as i put my hand on his face his eyes open. "good morning my prince." he says with a groggy voice.

i blush and remove my hand

"m-morning channie." i say back to him

he sits up and i follow not to long after him and look at him. he turn his head to look at me. he lifts his hand and out of instinct i flinch away. i see his eyes immediately sadden. "prince, im not going to hurt you."

i shake my head fast and take his hand in mine "n-no" i say quietly " i know you won't hurt me, im sorry."   i said looking down

he takes his hand from mine, noticing this i get sad, then i feel a hand on my chin lifting my face up.

"don't apologize prince, you have nothing to be sorry for." he says putting his hand that was once om my chin on my cheek. 

i nod my head and and blush.

"so my prince, what do you want for breakfast?" channie ask

"hmmm, i want waffles." i say

"so waffels we'll have." channie responds with getting off the bed and into the bathroom.

we both brush our teeth and go downstairs to the kitchen and see no one is there "looks like we are the only ones up hmmm." channies says

"yea i guess so" I start making the batter for the waffles and  chan starts making eggs and bacon. as we cook we hear footsteps coming down the stairs then we see the rest of the group looking very conflicted with life.

"yall good?" i hear channie ask them

"i wish i wasn't awake." i'm pretty sure minho responds with. i giggle at that before who i believe is hyunjin continues "well you are, so deal with it."

there was a long pause of silence before chan says "anyways breakfast is almost done so go in the dining room." they nod and make their way in the dining room.

after a while we finish breakfast making the food we bring it in the dining room and we all start eating with little conversation here and there.

when we all finish eating most of the guys went in the living room some went back upstairs, me and seungmin gather all the dishes on the table to wash them.

once we gather them we head back to the kitchen with me who is washing and him who is rinsing.

"lixie?" he ask

"yesss" i sing out

"what are you wearing?" he ask me i look down to my clothing in confusion, what is he talking about? i tell my self until i see what i have on. i blush and look up before i begin telling him "well i dont have any clothes here and chans pants are to big none of them fit me."

then i take a look at what he is wearing  and gasp

"you have some nerve commenting on my attire when your wearing the same thing!" i yell out he looks down and blushes "i forgot that i was wearing this."

"tch unbelievable." we finish the dishes and make our way to the living room were everyone now is.

innie is sitting on hyunjin's lap and hannie is sitting next to minho with his legs on top of him and seungmin made himself comfortable on changbin's lap. i go over to chan and sit in between his legs on the couch he is on.

then changbin starts talking "so i was thinking that we could all go out today, there is a fair pretty close by and then we could go to the beach after if thats cool with yall." everybody either nods their head or says yes.

"we have to make a stop because half of us are missing clothes. oh and chan your dirving" hyunjin says with a chuckle following. we all nod yet again. everyone piles in the car and we get to a store that sells clothes and we start looking at things we like.

we buy the clothes and change into them and drive to the fair. once we get to the fair we get our tickets and then stand in a group and talk.

"so i was thinking that we could all split up with a desired partner and then meet back here at around five to go to the beach, we all have each others numbers so if we need anything we can just call or text." changbin says

we nod our heads and go off with our partners, hyunjin with innie, changbin with minnie, minho with sungie, and me with chan.

i turn my head to look at chan and ask him what he wants to do first but he beats me to it and says "so whats first?"

omg guys i'm so sorry for this delay. i have been busy with so much work. ugh. i hate it. i'll update later on today as well !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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