chapter 5

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i was kind of sad when felix got off my lap, i liked having him there. but it all died down soon.

"i do" i said when they asked who wanted to go first.

i looked at the boy sitting next to minho, and asked "truth or dare squirrel?"

"uhhh excuse me , i have a name and it's jisung. and truth." he said rolling his eyes.

"why are you attracted to minho?" i ask. i had to make sure he liked him for the right reasons. minho has been through things, because people told him one thing and meant another.

he lets out a sigh and begins "i honestly don't know. i haven't known him long, but from the time i do know him, he is really sweet and caring. i like his laughter and the little "ha" at the end. i like his love for his three cats, there always on his mind. and he is also really good in bed."

i let out a hmm, and jisung ask the boy next to hyunjin a question.

"truth or dare innie" jisung ask.

"uhhh, dare" he replies 

"hmmm i dare you to kiss the cutest in the room on the lips." jisung says

the boy named innie scoffs and says "hyung, it's impossible for me to kiss my self."

jisung just stares at innie and innie says "fine, fine. i'll do it."

he turns to hyunjin and leans in, and their lips meet. it looks like innie wanted a peck, but hyunjin had other plans.

they full on start making out in front of us. after a couple of seconds jisung pulls them apart.

"there's a room upstairs if y'all wanna finish that." changbin says i chuckle at that.

"innie your turn" my prince says "hmmm, ok" he replies with his cheeks still red.

"uhhh, scary guy next to minnie, truth or dare?" he asks

i internally think to myself how changbin is anything but scary.

"it's changbin, and dare." innie nods his head. "ok, ummm. i dare you to give minnie a shot, without using your hands."

changbin chuckles "challenge accepted." he says. 

"babe, pour the shot in my mouth." he says, and the boy named minnie did. "wait you have to give it to me why is it goi-" minnie got cut off, by changbin's lips on his.

you can visually see the boy named minnie swallow, and changbin pull apart. "that's why babe" he says.

minnie blushed and looks away. "my turn now, huh." changbin says

"the boy next to chan truth or dare?" changbin looks at my prince ans says and he answers with "i-im felix and um dare."

"i'm going to use my bonus for this (an: what i mean by bonus is basically everyone has one bonus to their question which means the can change the punishments for not doing the truth or dare.) you have to go in the closet for seven minutes with the person your liking and they have to come out aroused. If not then you have to take three shots from their mouth." changbin says.

i didn't think felix would be quite comfortable with that because of previous events that happend with him. just as i was about to say something  felix gets up and looks down at me with his hand out and says "lead me to the nearest closet."

i get up and take his hand in mine but not before i whisper in his ear "don't feel pressured to do this, we can call quits right now" 

he looks at me and shakes his head before he says "its ok, i want to." i nod and lead him to the nearest closet.

in the closet there is a little shelf rack that used for the shoes so we push them off and sit on it. i look at him and he looks at me before he says "c-can i sit on your lap?" i nod my head and he straddles me. i look deep into his eyes ans he looks deep into mine. 

"can i kiss you?" i ask him. all hopes that he will say yes and to my luck he does. i lean in and attach my lips to his soft ones. I lick my tongue across his lips asking for entrance and he give it to me. we then explore each others mouth fighting for dominance which i had won. 

i put my hand on his waist pulling my closer to me, he detaches from my lips and throws his head back in pleasure. i take that as a sign to attack his neck. i start leaving hickies all over his neck he starts grinding on me. i pull of and hold his hips still before i say "my prince don't start what you cant finish" i say in  husked tone. he whines and start moving his hips again on me. he leans in and grabs the back of my neck to bring to his lips to mine.

 he then starts moving his hands to unbutton my shirt, and just when he was about to get to the first button a knock erupts on the other side of the door. he pulls his lips away from mine and gets off my lap and bends down to my ear whispering "i won" before walking out of the closet.

i stand up then look down to the little problem he had created for me. i try to fix it so that its not so noticeable, that didn't work so i walk back out and sit next to felix and say "who's next."

hyunjin then stand up pulling innie up with him and says " that's between you guys i'm going to cuddle my princess all night long, good night" walking off. i turn and notice that minho and jisung already left.    

"same, goodnight guys." changbin says getting up holding the hand of seungmin. 

i turn to look at felix and ask "do you want to go to sleep as well?" 

he nods his head and stands up once again sticking his hand out for me to grab. i take his hand and lead him to my bedroom. 

i open the door and say "make yourself comfortable, i'm going to take a shower."

he nods his head and sits on the bed, while i go in the closet to get clothes. i walk in to the bathroom close the door and start undressing. i turn the water to cold and and start to bathe myself. 

as i'm soaping up my skin i cant help but wonder what this feeling is. the feeling of wanting someone, the feeling of needing to be around a person day in and day out. the feeling of wanting to see their smile, and hear their laugh. maybe its the feeling of liking someone. 

i laugh at that though, never will i be subjected to someones fake trust again, i tell myself. 

i'm better off alone. 

with that thought in my head i get out the shower put my clothes on and head back outside to the room. 

i grab a pillow from the bed and an extra blanket from the ottoman before i start heading to the door. "w-where are you going?" i hear my prince ask me. "i was leaving you with the bed, ill sleep in the living room." i respond

"y-you don't have t-to, just sleep h-here... with me." he respond with the last part in whispered voice.  

i hesitantly answer with an "okay" before i hop in with him. 

i pull him in my chest and say "goodnight my prince." in a whispered voice i can barely hear him say "night channie." before i hear soft snores coming form him. 

all yours / / chanlix auWhere stories live. Discover now