chapter 2

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i groan as i wake up and the sun hits my face. i get out of my bed and close the curtains and i mumble "it's to early for this shit."

i walk to my bathroom any take a shower brush my teeth etc. i put on my clothes and walk into my liver room and text my crackheads, telling them to meet at the cafe we normally go to.


i leave and drive to the cafe, as i pull up so do my crackheads. we say hey to each other and walk in.

we walk in and i see this cute boy, he looked so small and fluffy, like a little baby. he was soo cute. i'm always here and i have never seen him before so maybe he is new.

we walk up to him and he ask for our orders with a little stutter, it made my heart flutter, something i haven't felt since him.

he take our orders mad we pay, then we sit a the table and we wait. he calls our name and we get our drinks and leave. i look back at him and wink.

the way his cheeks flushed red was so adorable. "what the hell is wrong with me?" i mumble to myself.

we all get in our cars and drive off to work. we all pull up to the building, with all the workers greeting us. we all kind of run Stan Inc. i'm just the head.

i go into my office and start looking at my schedule, seeing what i need to do and whatnot. i tray need to get a "PA" i'm sick of doing it myself.

i call my secretary and tell them i need a PA, so put it out there.


after i go to all my meeting fill out all the work i have too it's like twelve o'clock in the morning. what perfect time to go clubbing.

i text my crackheads and tell the yo meet at the club they say ok and i go home to put on something more comfortable.

i get to the club and text them to see if they are here, they text back saying their inside. so i make my way inside as well.

i go to the bar and get some gin (AN: i literally know nothing about alcohol so don't come at me:)) i swallow it and i can fell the burn in my throat as it runs down.

i turn over to the dance floor to see hyunjin, minho, and changbin dancing having someone grind on them. i chuckled and advert my attention to the boy i saw at the cafe today.

there he was, grinding on someone he probably didn't even know. for some reason it angered me to see another mans hands on his hips, while his ass was on his clothed dick.

he walks off from the man and i let out a breath i didn't even know i was holding, and he checks his phone.

he lets out a sigh and walks out the club. i decide to check my phone as well to see messages from hyunjin, minho, and changbin saying they all left.

i finish my drink and pay then i walk out the club. i'm making my way to the parking lot and i can hear someone yelling stop it and yelling for help. so i run over and see what's happening.

what i'm seeing makes my blood boil. i don't understand how someone could get turned on from pleas for help, and for them to stop.

i throw the guy off the boy and glance at him to make sure he's ok. just to find out it the guy from the cafe. that makes me see red.

i punched the guy repeatedly making him bleed and cough up blood.

it's very angering to see someone who doesn't want to have sex tried to be forced into it.

thinking about it angers me more so i punch him more. at this rate he stopped moving and i finally let go. i check his pulse to make sure he isn't dead. thank god he's not.

i then look over to the guy from the cafe and he's on the floor crying.

my heart aches at what i'm seeing. how could someone do this to someone so innocent.

i put my hand under his chin to lift his face up and ask "are you ok?" he just starts to sobs more.

then i try asking where he lives so i could take him home, but i get no response. so i pick him up and walk with him to my car.

i strap him in and get in the car, and pull off. the whole car ride was him crying.

i felt so bad knowing i could have possibly prevented it l. like what if i didn't check my phone or walked out a little earlier. i could have helped.

we pull up to my house and i open the door for him to comes out. he comes out and he opens his mouth and asks "w-where are w-we?" i tell him we are at my house. he nods his head.

then i ask him what his name is. his responded with " o-oh m-my name is l-lixie" he shakes his head then continues on with "i-i mean f-elix." i nod my head and ask him if he's ready to come inside he nods his head and we walk in.

"make yourself at home i'm going to make some tea." he nods his head and sits on the couch.

i walk in the kitchen and put the kettle on. then walk back out to the living room, and sit next to him.

he looks at me with his pretty eyes, and says "t-thank you so m-much for h-helping me b-back there, i d-don't know w-what would have h-happened if you d-didn't c-come." he say with a dry teary laugh that followed.

"anyone would have done the same." i said looking at him. he looks down and mumbles something i couldn't understand.

"soooo where do you live, so i can take you home?" i ask i felt i might be weird to ask him to stay since we don't know each other.

he looks up and me than back down at his hands that he is now fidgeting with his fingers. "c-can i st-stay here? i k-know it m-might be we-weird since we d-don't know each o-other, b-but i really don't w-wanna be alone ri-right now. a-and all m-y room-roommates are o-out right n-now."

i look at him with shocked eyes, i was definitely not expecting that, but then again who am i to say no to such a cutie.

all yours / / chanlix auWhere stories live. Discover now