poland x czechoslovakia | fluff

600 15 6

🇵🇱: male
🇨🇿 🇸🇰: male
fluff/ comfort ;)))
requested by our dearest @CanadianChaosUwU

       "oh, don't be like that," he snorted, gently tucking his lover's hair behind his ear.

       "didn't you say earlier that being sick is a get out of jail free card? i can do whatever i want," his companion teased, his blue eyes admiring the bicolored country whose head rested on his lap.

        "i would never say that! and you're not even sick, you just have a cold, you overdramatic łajno (turd)" the slightly smaller retorted, pouting playfully.

        "right. if you insist, love,"

       the two sat there in silence for a few minutes, simply enjoying the peacefulness and the calm aura surrounding the field of tulips. it had been so little time since czechoslovakia had asked out the pole, that it was still hard to believe they were really together.

poland had suggested that they go out for some fresh air so that his runny-nosed boyfriend would have something more authentic to breathe from than the unclean and heavy feeling air in the house. however, as the couple had walked around, they came across a field of tulips, and were immediately drawn to the sight.

      czechoslovakia, the (only slightly, poland insists) taller in the relationship had made several attempts to kiss the pole that day, whether it on the cheek or forehead or lips. but, he got rejected and scolded every time, being told  'i don't want to have your bad breath all over me,'

       but the czech knew better.

       his boyfriend continuously denied it, but the czech knew better.

      poland was afraid. not of him, no. but rather, of being loved and recieving affection. CS of course tried to respect his lover's boundaries, but it was getting increasingly harder and harder to not just kiss his cute face all over.

i mean, could the slav really expect him to be physically capable of that? because if so, he was very, very wrong.

      especially now, with the sun about to set, bright and warm colors slowly fading away as the contrasting darker and cooler ones of the night starting to settle in, the light soon to come only from the moon and stars.

poland leaned his head onto his boyfriend's shoulder, his eyes wandering up to the painting embedded in the sky. "you see that over there?" he said as he pointed his finger in the direction of the darker half of the sky, now littered with faintly visibly yet still twinkling stars. czechoslovakia nodded slowly, his gaze shifting from observing the pole's face to along his arm, to where he was pointing.

"księżyc (the moon)." the shorter explained, his big eyes never leaving the mesmerizing view. "it doesn't shine or twinkle, not like those other lights, those stars. it just kind of lays there in space, doesn't it?"

       "there has to be some kind of poet out here who would find a metaphor for that," his companion giggled, playfully elbowing his waist.

         poland remained silent, simply gazing at the sky. the sunset was almost over, and it was already relatively dark. maybe it was time they started getting home.

       "i'm going to go there someday, CS."

      "to where? the moon?" the taller joked, refering to his lover's strange interest with outer space as more of an obsession.

       "yeah." slipping out only a drop of affection in his voice, he said;

       "you should come with me,"

oh goodness that was so short im so sorry i have writers block rn aaaaaa
i hope you liked this mess somehow
have an amazing rest of your day <3


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