soviet x britain | fluff

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requested by @Official_Dettol
🇬🇧: male
☭: male
a tiny bit of rusame
i tried my best, hope you like it!!
footsteps and curses were are that could be heard by soviet. the union sighed deeply before grabbing his almost empty bottle of vodka and draining it carelessy down his throat.
"Блядь(fuck)!" he heard a yell right before he witnessed his daughter, armenia, being hurled down the stairs by belarus, followed closely behind by their caring and worrying brother, kazakhstan. soviet stood up and looked down at his children, disappointed at their immaturity.
"вставай(get up)," he snarled at armenia, before turning to belarus and slapping her across the face. "я научил тебя лучше этого(i taught you better than this),"
"прости папа," she apologized quietly, looking down at the floor, clearly ashamed of her actions. the tall country that was her father turned and went back to his seat at the kitchen table.
he needed a rest from being a constant father to 16 children. just some quiet, a nice place to sit down with his thoughts and drink them away. thankfully for him, he didn't have any plans this day. it was a saturday afternoon, and it seemed as if the entire world were on pause. except for him and his noisy kids, unfortunately for him. he had no meetings, no paperwork, no deals to confirm, nothing. this would be a perfect day if his kids would just shut up, and not invite anybody over.
but no, of course russia, his eldest son, invited his little schoolboy crush that he refused to admit he had to come over to their house with the entire family. this means the crush, america, and his family would have to come, including maple man who thought he was better at hockey than him, new zealand, australia, and god forbid britain.
soviet hated britain. not only did he have completely different opinions and ideologies, but he was the father of the capitalist pig, america. normally in this type of situation, he would be able to deal with it. but the cold war brought too many conflicts between them for the union to handle.
even thinking about him made his blood boil. god how he hated that obnoxious little bitch with his stupid sunglasses and his stupid cocky grin that he wore-
"я думаю они здесь(i think they are here)!" a voice called.

"you really trust him?"
"yes, i do! my question is why can't you trust me?"
"america, you know about our....conflicts with the ussr and his family," he sighed.
"you never let me do anything, dad. it was in the past, i know russia is a good person, even if soviet isn't" the young country whined.
"fine. but not for long, you hear me?"

america excitedly grabbed his little sister's hand, pulling her out of the car. "c'mon kiwi! i'll introduce you to all the guys, i'm sure they'll love you," he reassured her gently. out of the corner of his eye he saw his father still sitting in the driver's seat, looking down. "dad?"
britain looked up to see his son looking at him with a confused look. he shook his head and opened the car door, praying that the russians had tea. he had promised america 2 hours there, so that he could see his crush russia. canada wanted to come too, because of ukraine. since the dearly loved canada was going, aussie and kiwi wanted to tag along with him, and america insisted that britain come.
inside, the man was really nervous about going to soviet, but he knew better than to show it, especially in front of his kids. he took a quick survey of the view around him.
they had a pretty normal sized house, but something about the aura that was created there was very unwelcoming. the air was thin and smelled of cigars. the scent was strong, even in this cold. something felt wrong, but at the same time, right. it's the way it should be. if it were somehow different that would feel even more off.
but britain tried to stay open minded, and keep thinking about how the wrong is right.
"uh, le papa? you coming?" canada called, with his eyebrow raised, looking a bit concerned.
"yes, yes, sorry."

the door was opened by latvia, whose eyes widened in excitement when they realized who it was. "come in! come in my friends!" he welcomed them into the living room. as they all said their hellos, canada sneaked a wink at ukraine, who was a bit behind the rest of his siblings. he blushed furiously, earning a playful grim from the taller country.
nobody noticed him until the towering figure was right next to them.
"Привет(hello)," said a low voice. the house fell silent. after a few moments of awkward silence, and the real live ussr staring down the guests, russia invited everybody to go up. the only person left with soviet was britain.
neither said a word, only glaring at each other, until one noticed that latvia was still there with them. his father signaled him to go with the others, and he finally obeyed.
suddenly the blue, red, and white country burst into laughter. this angered the union.
"are you laughing at me?" he said in a slightly hurt tone. britain stopped and looked at him. he studied the taller and eventually looked down and sighed.
"do you have any tea here?" he asked.
soviet nodded and went off to the kitchen. uk mentally slapped himself for making such a fool of himself. why did he have to laugh? nothing was even funny! he just kaughed for no fucking reason and now soviet thinks he is a lunatic.
but since when did he care what soviet thought of him...right? he tried to shake off the feeling and continued to hate soviet, as one does. but when that man came back into the room, with a cup of tea that was made just for him, he couldn't help himself.
"why are you so fucking cute" he growled as a snatched his tea and glared at him.
".... прошу прощения(excuse me)?" he responded, shocked at what this capitalist had just said.
"no, no. you said something about me being cute. i want to hear you say it again,"
"you're cute okay?! i'm sorry, i don't like it that i feel this way, but i can't fucking control it!!! there's nothing i can do here!" he snapped.
neither said anything again.
"maybe you could like it," ussr said softly.
"what?" britain looked up at the man, this was the first time he had ever seen him act gentle.
"you heard me. i kind of feel the same,"
"i'm not sure if i even actually like you that way, soviet," he said in a hoarse whisper
"then we'll figure it out together," he concluded, reaching out his hand for britain to take. the other seemed to understand the gesture, and cautiously placed his hand in soviet's. "see? it's not tooooo bad, is it?" he chuckled.
britain liked this side of the ussr. he liked it a lot. without thinking, he pulled his taller companian closer, into a tight hug. all of his fears nd anxieties melted away when he felt the rough red arms hugging him back, rubbing his back soothingly as he buried his face into his chest.
"i take it back." soviet tilted his head in confusion. "i do like you,"

1252 words
proofread? don't know her
anyways, i hope you liked it, even though it's not very impressive 😂

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