russia x germany | angst

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🇷🇺: male
🇩🇪: male
"du hättest mich nicht anlügen sollen, Deutschland. du weißt wie viel Loyalität mir bedeutet, nicht wahr?( you shouldn't have lied to me, germany. you know how much loyalty means to me, don't you? )" the man lifted his sons chin up, forcing him to look at his well kown face. "weißt du was, wenn du betrogen werden willst? woher weiß ich, dass ich dir wieder vertrauen kann? ( do you know what it feels like to be betrayed? how will i know that i can trust you again? )"
   the young country standing in front of him trembled. he knew what was going to happen.
   "du weißt, was wir hier mit Verrätern machen ( you know what we do with traitors here )'" the taller country slipped out a knife from his military uniform. he examined it closely, observing its reflection and how sharp it was. he glanced at his son, now visibly shaking. he chuckled at the tricolored countrys weakness.
   "enschuldigung Vater, i-ich wollte das nicht- ( i'm sorry father, i-i didn't want to )" his father shushed him, not wanting to waste any time. he had things to do, places to be. the third reich was a busy man, bu right now he needed to teach his son a lesson.
   he held of the knife closer to the small country, and started lightly tracing his jawline with the tip of his knife. there we no marks, just a preparation for what was to come. germany whimpered, as he had experienced this before, and it wasn't fun. he held his breath, waiting for his father to get it over with.
   the nazi finished tracing his jawline, but then instead of moving on, he stopped and looked at him. reich took a deep breath and to germanys great surprise, hugged him. the small aryans hand were frozen, unsure of how to react to this affection from his father.
   "deutschland, deutschland, deutschland. du lernst nie, oder? schade. ( germany, germany, germany. you never learn, do you? shame. )" before germany could respond he fell down unconcious, with a stab wound in his back.

   germany shot up, startled from the nightmare. not exactly a nightmare, even. it was a memory from when he was a kid, when his father was still alive and in power; during the second world war.
   he ripped the blanket off of him and trudged over to the kitchen where he was greeted by his german shepherd, bella. he headed over to cabinet where all the cups were, since he wanted a glass of water.
   as the clear liquid poured into the cup, the country thought. he tried not to do so, it never did him any good, but he couldn't help it. he looked down at his sleepy dog who was somehow still wagging her tail at him. thinking of her made him smile, it was always nice to have someone who would always be happy to see you.
   suddenly interrupting his gazing, he felt a pair of huge red arms wrap around him. surprised, he flinched a little only to be met with a pouting russian towering over him.
   "hi, russland ( russia )," he muttered.
   "hey, ger. mind telling me why you aren't in bed?"
   "you know why, russia. stop asking me all the questions and lay off, you already know the answers," germany snapped.
   "that dream again, huh?" he nodded to confirm. "i'm sorry baby, i know how you feel,"
   "no! no you fucking don't russia, so don't tell me that you do. don't lie to me," du hättest mich nicht anlügen sollen, Deutschland.
   his fathers voice rang in his ears.
   no, nonono, no please, not again,
   germanys head spun. the memories came flooding and it was just the nightmare all over again. for a moment, he couldn't see.
du hättest mich nicht anlügen sollen, Deutschland.
   he couldn't feel. not a breath went through his lungs before he collapsed on the kitchen floor, gasping for air and sobbing violently. before he could regain his senses, he was gently shoved into the corner of the kitchen. bewildered, he tried to open his eyes, but they wouldn't budge. a warmer aura passed over him, slightly calming him down, but not enough.
   the slavic country sat down beside his lover and put his arm around him, permitting him to cry into his arm. nothing happened. it was just a german sobbing at 2am with a russian holding him close. russia held on to him for dear life, squeezing him tightly and comforting him. as the clock ticked and the hours passed by, the aryan managed to calm down.
  germany stood up finally without saying a word, and left for their shared bedrrom, leaving russia and bella alone on the floor. neither said a word to each other until the next day. the day where russia woke up with a certain german burying his face in his warm, familiar chest.
  "hey," the russian whispered.
  "good morning, russland," replied germany before attaching himself even close to him. a few minutes passed of them just laying there, enjoying each others company, until finally germany mumbled "i love you russia,"
   his lover smiled at the words spoken to him.
   "я тоже тебя люблю ( i love you too )"

858 words
sorry this was kinda short, and i wrote this at 2am so sorry if it sounds weird!!
hope you guys enjoyed it <3

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