Comfort (Yukimura x reader)

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Fandom: Ikémen Sengoku
Reader-insert: Female
Pairing: Yukimura Sanada x reader
Genre: Romance
Warnings: None
Word Count: 980+ 

          The suffocating heat from the fervent flames consuming Kasugayama castle from the inside out was unbearable. Dark clouds of smoke made it difficult to see as Yukimura searched for you and his Lord. He was breathing with great effort; his chest heaved up and down as his lungs filled with the toxic fumes. His eyes were hazy with tears as the smoke stung them, but he kept moving forwards, determined to find two of the most precious people in his life. The cafe-haired male screamed yours and Shingen's names to no avail. His throat felt dry and itchy and he had to stop in his tracks as a sudden coughing fit took over him.
          Around him, faceless warriors and maids were running every which way trying to escape from the grasp of those ruthless flames. They tried to stop the young Warlord, but he ignored them and resumed his search.
          At last, he slid open the screen to a room and had to shield himself from the blazing fire that was engulfing everything inside. Yukimura squinted his eyes to see inside and right in the middle of the room, he distinguished two bodies being swallowed by the flames: yours and Shingen's.

          Your husband woke up in a cold sweat, heart ramming wildly against his ribcage. His body ached and felt as heavy as lead. In his feverish dazed, he turned on his side only to find an empty spot on the futon.
          "(y-y/n)..." His chest constricted and his body began trembling as his fogged mind plagued with appalling thoughts. In his weak state, the poor brown-haired man was unable to distinguish dreams from reality.
          He was so lost in despair that he did not hear the sound of the screen sliding open as you entered his chamber. A choked sob of your name left his lips as he firmly gripped the sheets, knuckles turning white.
          "You're awake," you greeted contentedly, but upon seeing his quivering form, you called his name, hurrying to his side. "Yuki, are you alright?" You quickly placed the tray you were carrying on the floor next to the futon and crouched down next to your husband.
          "(y/n)?" he uttered weakly, slowly peering up to meet your concerned gaze. His weary eyes widened and glazed with unshed tears when he saw you and he reached a shivering hand to cup your cheek. "(y/n)! I-I... I thought you had... I thought I had lost you in the fire..."
          Your brows knitted together in a small frown. "Fire? What fire?" You inquired, tilting your head in confusion as you held his hand against your cheek, giving his palm a fond smooch. "Yuki, you've had a nightmare."
          "Nightmare?" He let out a shaky chuckle of relief as he finally realized it had all been a bad dream. "Is Lord Shingen alright, then?"
          "Better than ever. He's been eating sweets nonstop ever since you fell ill, though." You shook your head in disapproval.
          Yukimura rolled onto his back once again draping an arm over his eyes as he said: "I'm so glad... I thought you both had—" he could not finish the sentence. "You were not here when I woke up and I thought..."
          "Shh, it's alright. I'm here now. I only left for a few minutes to get you some medicine and a fresh bowl of water," you explained, taking his arm away from his face. "Drink this, love," you helped him sit up on the futon before giving him the cup of lukewarm medicine that was resting on the tray. "Good boy," you praised him as he drank it all up.
          You rested a gentle hand on his forehead to feel his temperature as you studied his tired features. "You're burning up, but hopefully the medicine will take effect soon." You smiled sweetly at him. "You need a change of clothes tho," you informed him upon seeing his sweat-covered robes clinging to his body.
          You stripped your husband off his damped garments and gingerly washed the perspiration away with a clean cloth after dipping it in the bowl filled with cool, refreshing water. When you finished cleaning him up, you helped him change into some fresh nightclothes.
          "Now, come here, sweetie." You patted your lap, inviting him to use it as a pillow.
          Obediently, he rested his head on your mushy thighs and mumbled a weary 'thank you.'
          Your husband stared up into your eyes as you gently ran your hands through his hair and he asked sleepily: "Will you be here when I wake up?" Yukimura was still shaken by the vivid, fever dream that had haunted him earlier.
          "Of course, Yuki." You showed him a gentle, reassuring smile which soothed his worries. "Now close your eyes and try to get some sleep. I'll make sure you don't have any more nightmares," you promised, lacing your little finger with his.
          A deep blush dusted his cheeks at your childish —yet adorable— antics, and he turned his head to try to hide it from you. "Dummy..." he muttered huffily before whispering his honest feelings to you, "I love you..."
          Your lips curved up into a loving simper at his words and a melodious, merry giggle escaped you at the sight of the warm blush colouring his ears and neck.
          "I love you too, my sweet little puppy," you beamed sweetly, resting your hand on his head to thread your digits through his brown locks of hair.
          Yukimura grumbled and pouted slightly at the nickname but did not complain. Even though he would never admit it to you, his heart would melt whenever you called him that.
          "Sweet dreams, Yuki," you susurrated, running your nails gently down his arm as you kept brushing his hair.
          Your soft breathing and your tender touch gradually soothe his exhausted mind and before he knew it, he drifted off into peaceful sleep in the comfort of your warm lap.

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