Muse (Kennyo x reader)

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Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing: Kennyo x reader
Reader-insert: Neutral
Genre: Romance
Alternative Universe: Modern | Domestic
Word Count: 623

Suiboku-ga also called Sumi-e, is a Japanese monochrome ink painting, a technique first developed in China during the Sung dynasty (960–1274) and taken to Japan by Zen Buddhist monks in the mid-14th century.

The morning sunbeams seeping through the blinds roused you from your pleasant slumber. After rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you turned to your side to be greeted by Kennyo's relaxed features. He was still sound asleep next to you. His chest heaved up and down with every deep breath he took.
Smiling to yourself, you snuggled up against him and slipped your weary hand under his white t-shirt, revelling into the warmth radiating off his skin. As you rubbed his abdomen gently, you let your eyes wander around the room until a tantalizing item caught your eye.
Glancing up at Kennyo to make sure he was still fast asleep, you stretched your arm to pick up his sketchbook that was resting on his bedside table.
Sitting up on the bed, you curiously scrutinised the marvellous drawings on it. A few of them were of animals and flowers, but most of them were of you.
He was indeed very skilled with the brush, you mused to yourself, enthralled by the astonishing variations in tonality on each one of his works.
Kennyo was never one to use prepared liquid inks. He would rather make them himself by grinding his lotus flower-shaped inkstick over an inkstone until he obtained a smooth, black ink of his desired concentration, viscosity and solubility.
You loved observing him as he prepared his inks, relishing the way his brows would furrow in concentration while his lips pursed ever-so-slightly.
A soft, airy giggle left your lips at the amusing thought. However, Kennyo's gentle, yet sudden, touch on your arm broke your reverie and you turned to look into his tired, dark eyes.
"Waiting for the devil to lower his guard just to take a peek at his sketchbook?"
Looking down at your ashamed hands, your lips quirked up into a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I got curious..." You apologised before adding in a reproachful tone: "Hey, don't call yourself that!"
"Do you like them?" He inquired, carefully studying your facial features.
"They are lovely, Kennyo. Why have you kept them from me all this time?" You queried, pouting a bit.
"I was planning to show them to you. Eventually..." He replied, taking the item from your hands and placing it back on his bedside table.
"They are mostly paintings of me," you noted.
Smiling fondly, he stated in a tender tone: "You're my muse, my inspiration."
A deep blush spread from your cheeks to your ears and you turned aside, trying to conceal it. "Why am I smiling in all of your pieces?"
Reaching up, he cupped your cheeks in his slender hands and made you face him again. "That's because every time I look, you're wearing a smile..." His lips quirked up into a serene simper. "And it makes me happy to be at your side," he added, bringing you down on top of him. "I can't help myself but immortalise your heavenly smile with ink," he concluded, tracing your lips with his thumb.
Moved by his words of love, you pressed your delicate lips against his plump ones in a loving kiss, making him hum in contentment.
"Have I told you that I love you," he susurrated, breath fanning your face.
"I love you too," you whispered back, gently dragging your nails down his torso.
Kennyo captures your lips in his as he placed one of his hands on your neck, rubbing it soothingly.
Feeling the way your heart was rapidly beating he declared: "...The only time I'll allow your heart to be stirred is when you're in my arms, just like this." Wrapping his strong arms around your torso, he affectionately rubbed the tip of his nose against yours before giving you one last peck on your welcoming lips.

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