Feverish (Nobunaga x reader)

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Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Reader-insert: Neutral
Pairing: Nobunaga Oda x reader
Genre: Romance
Word Count: 554

The pleasant sensation of a cool, wet washcloth against your feverish forehead rose you from your slumber. Your heavy eyelids wearily fluttered open and the first thing you saw was your lover's haunting, carnelian eyes.
"I didn't mean to disturb your dreams," he apologised, cupping your left cheek in his large, right hand. Nobunaga had been sitting crossed-legged next to you on your shared futon ever since you came down with a fever the night before. Taking care of you was of utmost importance to him and so, he had not left your side for anything in the world. Moreover, he had not slept a wink. All he had been doing was trying to bring down your fever by cooling your forehead with the wet washcloth.
"It's okay," you spoke softly, leaning into his tender touch.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, attempting to conceal his concern but it was evident in his eyes how worried he was for your health.
"Not so good... my head hurts and my throat is a bit sore." Closing your eyes for a moment, you let Nobunaga's loving caress soothe you. "Is that tea?" You queried as soon as you saw the steaming cup laying on the tatami mat next to him.
"It's medicine. Ieyasu prepared it for you."
"Ieyasu was here?" You smiled in gratitude at Ieyasu's kindness.
"He left just before you woke up," Nobunaga stated, helping you sit up with his strong arms.
"Thank you," you offered him a weary grin. Nobunaga handed you the warm cup of herbal tea and you took a sip. "It doesn't taste good." You scrunched up your face at the disgusting, bitter taste of the medicine.
"Finish it; it'll help to bring down the fever."
Gradually, you drank the beverage. "You look tired," you pointed out as you studied Nobunaga's fatigued appearance.
"I am fine," he replied, taking the empty cup from your hands to place it back on its place.
Furrowing your brows in concern, you inquired: "Did you sleep at all last night?" Instead of replying, he helped you lay back down. "Come, lie down next to me."
"I'm fine," he repeated and added: "I don't need to sleep. I'll rest when you get better."
You gave your lover a reprimanding look. "Nonsense. Come..."
Sighing, he reluctantly gave in to your request. "I won't sleep," he declared obstinately.
"Stubborn man..." You shook your head lightly at his antics and in retaliation, you got a gentle flick on the forehead. "Ow! What was that for?" You whined childishly.
"Go back to sleep." A faint, humorous smile flickered across his attractive face.
"...Fine." You turned on your side and buried your face on his chest, breathing in his musky scent. "Thank you..." you susurrated.
"What for?"
"It's already late in the afternoon... You've been taking care of me all day, haven't you?" You peered up at him.
"Stop talking nonsense and sleep already," he ordered.
A short, airy laugh escaped your lips before you pressed them softly on his clothed chest. "Silly... I love you." You snuggled up against him, eyes fluttering shut.
"And I love you. Now, rest so you can get well soon." Wrapping his arm around you, he pulled you closer to him before placing an affectionate kiss on the top of your head.

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