Fragmented (Mitsuhide x reader)

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Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Reader-insert: Female
Pairing: Mitsuhide Akechi x reader
Genre: Romance
Warnings: None
Word Count: 560+

(a/n): This is purely self-indulgent~ 💜 I hope you all enjoy it, tho!

          The moment Mitsuhide dismounted his horse, a maid rushed towards him. Her alarmed tone as she informed him you had not gotten out of bed all day made his stomach tighten with trepidation. The Silver Kitsune turned to Kyubei, his most loyal vassal, and calmly ordered him to take care of his four-legged companion.
          A frisson of apprehension coursed through the warlord's entire body as he hastily walked down the halls of his manor. He could hear the loud, cracking sounds of his flawlessly fabricated mask with each step he took.
          Your drowsy eyes fluttered open to find yourself in the loving and worrisome arms of your lover. "Mitsuhide?" You furrowed your brows at the sight of his concern-filled golden orbs.
          "My (y/n)," he susurrated as he studied your features. His emotions were completely bared now that he finally let his fragmented mask slip off— an action that he allowed himself to do solely in your presence. "One of the maids informed me you were ill. What's wrong, my sweet little mouse?" he spoke in a tender, kind tone as his slender fingers gently caressed your cheeks.
          "I didn't mean to worry you," you said in a groggy tone, reaching a hand to cup his cheek. But before you could do so, a wave of excruciating pain flashed through your lower abdomen, making you clutch your belly as you let out an agonizing moan. "It's just... that time of the month," you managed to reply as you snuggled closer to him, nuzzling your head on his neck.
          "...Already?" The relief was visible on his handsome features as he heaved a long sigh. He was mildly annoyed at himself for having forgotten something so important.
          He was the only one who knew about your monthly periods. It's not like you could freely discuss the matter with anyone from that era. So, usually, when you were menstruating, you avoided going out of the room— mostly because you were in a lot of pain.
          The golden-eyed man held you tighter in his lithe arms and leaned down to press a loving kiss to the side of your forehead.
          "Do you need anything, my love?"
          "Well," you made a pause and pursed your lips lightly in a small pout. "I could use some cuddles."
          His short and light chuckle rang pleasantly in your ears. "Anything you need, my dear."
          Gingerly, the silver-haired man lowered you onto the futon before slipping under the covers, lying next to you. He draped one of his arms around your waist as he cuddled you from behind. Your lover let his warm hand rest on your lower abdomen, as he made sure to keep your lower back warm since he remembered you saying warmth helped soothe the cramps.
          "I'm glad you got home earlier. I was expecting you to arrive by dinnertime," you whispered, snuggling closer to him.
          "Did you miss me? How sweet," he teased lightly before placing a loving smooch on your temple.
          "I always do, silly," you released a sigh of contentment.
          A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he tightened his grip on you. "Why, I missed you too, dear," he susurrated, giving your temple another kiss. His heart soared at the sight of your contented smile. A soft blush spread across his cheeks at the gleeful realisation that he was a captive of your love.

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