Chapter IX

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Finding it more entertaining to watch John do his daily activities and whatnot than to stay in my territory alone, I arrived at the cabin to find my human friend going over papers on the porch.

I barked and let my tongue loll as a smile. John glanced up from his work to chuckle. He crossed the clearing, grinning. I lowered my head to press my muzzle to John's forehead in greeting, rumbling when he wrapped his arms around my neck in a hug.

He stroked my fur. "It's good to see you again, Malen'kiy Volk." (Little Wolf)

The same could be said about you, John. What have you been up to? I asked through our telepathic link. It was a habit of mine to communicate through the link when I didn't want him to spend hours deciphering my gestures and cues. Despite having the ability to speak to him through it, he still had to verbalize what he wanted to say.

"Not a lot. I was just finishing up some paperwork for the preserve and ended a call with my brother."

My ears twitched, my head tilting to the side. You have a brother?

John nodded. "Da. He lives in DeKalb." (Yes.)

I shifted my gaze to the table on the porch with mild curiosity. You're sending your brother mail?

He nodded. "Andrew needs some files and blueprints and can't find the time this week to drive up here," His tone lowered with a faint murmur. "Lazy idiot."

Can I help somehow? I offered.

"Actually, there is something you could do for me," I tilted my head again, my ears perked, "but it will involve you going into the city."

I bared my teeth in silent disgust, making him laugh.

"What? You don't want to go to the city alone?" He teased with a freckled smirk.

I pinned him with a flat look. I guess I could go deliver something for you.

The human patted my fluffy cheek. "Remember, you offered to help."

I rolled my eyes. He walked into the cabin and emerged with a backpack in hand. He stuffed a black hoodie and the package in it. He held it up for me to sniff. "You can drop the package off at the FedEx building closest to your end of the preserve. You might need to walk for a couple of minutes if you choose not to fly."

I barked before nuzzling the human.

"Alert me if anything happens, okay? I put a burner phone in there in case you need it." He reminded me.

I grabbed the backpack with my mouth, bowing my head before disappearing into the woods. My paws tore through the soft ground, driving me forward as I leaped into my territory. Bushes rustled as I ran past them, the wildlife around me falling silent to gaze at me with a mixture of awe and fear.

I skidded to a halt by my border. The backpack dropped to the floor before I reverted to my daemon form. I popped my shoulder and hid my wings under my skin. I fixed up my clothes and threw the hoodie John packed over my head. A small smile curled my lip over how my ears and tail poked through the holes in my clothes.

Across the road from where I stood waiting for the walk signal to change, I noticed a little girl pointing at me and earning her guardian's attention. My scowling lips lifted into a grin and I shyly waved before gesturing to my ears. As if I was pressing a switch, I swiveled my ears, attempting to mimic robotic gestures. My smile widened at the child's awestruck gaze. The little girl's guardian smiled and mouthed her gratitude.

Finding the nearby FedEx building didn't take long. I mentally prepared myself as I opened the door and got in line.

Stifling the choked yelp at my tail being tugged proved almost impossible. I bit back the slew of curses bubbling in my throat and craned my gaze over my shoulder. A young boy had his hands wrapped around the end of my tail. Had he not tugged on it, I would've cooed.

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