Chapter XXXIII

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*** 3 Years Later ***

"I said five minutes and I wasn't kidding, Tenaki," I shouted. I sighed and rolled my eyes, storming through the numerous halls of the bunker. I found the hound's scent lingering in my room. A large nest was snuggled close to the nightstand. It's been empty for years because she decided sleeping in my bed was better. It was a little cramped for my taste, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

A soft chuckle escaped me when I spotted her wagging tail under my bedsheets. Of all the places she could've picked.

"Aki, come on, John's waiting for us." I said with a playful tone. I pulled the sheets off, a small smile gracing my lips at the pout greeting me.

Tenaki whined, settling her black paws over her muzzle. "Five more minutes."

I smoothed my dull human nails over the crown of her head. "It's time to go, Tenaki. We have a long drive ahead of us."

The hellhound groaned and yawned. Sleepy blood-red eyes stared back at me with mild annoyance, but was overshadowed with fondness.

It's been three long years since I found solace in raising Tenaki. She was a mischievous little thing and the light in my life. My loss still lingered, but I learned to make room for the people in my life.

I wasn't alone anymore.

The hellhound huffed but clambered off the bed without another fuss.

Her claws pattered alongside me as we made our way to the library. John was waiting outside and assured me I could take as long as I needed to leave, but even I knew his patience had limits.

"Are you sure you don't want more company?" Jayson asked from his seat in the library, abandoning his stale beer and open book to approach us. "This is new territory even for you."

A small smile adorned my face. "This is something I have to do alone, Jay," I embraced him, rubbing his arm as we parted. "I appreciate the offer, though," my gaze lingered in the quiet library with a content sigh before returning to the Hunter. "Help Andrew hold this place down while we're gone, alright?"

The Hunter snorted. His grey eyes swam with sincerity. "Whatever happens, just know that you're always welcome here. I mean it."

I grinned and scratched the back of my neck bashfully. "I'm glad you all accepted me, albeit reluctantly, but accepted me."

"You're a good kid," His grey eyes strayed to Tenaki's blinking red eyes and adorable wagging tail, "And an amazing role model. I hope everything goes well."

I scratched Tenaki's head, smiling as she nuzzled into my leg. "Tell the others I said bye."

The Hunter nodded, embracing Tenaki before letting us go on our way.

When we made our way to the driveway outside the bunker, John was already waiting, dressed in combat boots, jeans, and a brown jacket over a grey shirt.

"Are you sure you want to go?" John asked as Tenaki transformed into her concealed form. She wore the appearance of a Tamaskan, a Finnish dog breed resembling an actual wolf in size and shape. Her coat was as dark as her true one, the only indication that she wasn't a dog being the occasional red-eyed stare she donned.

She licked my waiting hand and hopped into the backseat of the Ford truck John owned.

I scratched my head, sighing. "I've been gone long enough, John. They deserve to know the truth."

Can we stop for a puppuccino? I want one. Tenaki barked, lolling her tongue.

I stroked her ears and gave her a cheeky smile. "Only if John says we can."

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