Chapter XXIX

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I dragged myself into the kitchen for breakfast, having had enough of Andrew and Jessica yelling for me to come to eat.

"Look who finally dragged their ass out of bed." Jessica crowed as I clambered over to the table and buried my head in my arms.

"Coul'nt seep," I mumbled, sniffing before straightening in my seat. "What's for breakfast?"

"French toast and coffee if you want some," Jessica said as she placed a warm plate with fresh French toast down.

"Keep the coffee," I yawned, blinking as I clambered to the fridge and pulled out a glass of orange juice. I wandered back to the bench, nibbling on my hot French toast with weary eyes.

"Where's John? Is he still in the library?" Andrew's bed head snuck into my peripheral. A tiny smirk snuck into my lips.

"Probably. Last I checked he was searching for something," Jessica answered from the oven.

"Did he say what?"

"Something about Beasts I think."

I almost spit out my juice, coughing to clear my throat. I turned to the startled silent duo with a flurry of colorful eyes. "He's doing what?"

The Hunters exchanged cautious and hesitant glances.

"What's wrong with John looking up stuff about you?" Jessica asked, tucking away a stray lock of hair as she moved from the oven. Andrew kept a cautious eye on me while he circled closer to the table.

"Maybe he's just trying to help you," Andrew protested in the other Hunter's defense.

"That or he's trying to figure out a concoction to finally put you out of your miserable existence," Ghost's voice caressed my ear, the rumbling chuckle resonating from his chest eliciting a low growl from me.

"Shut up. No one asked you." I snapped.

"Jasmine!" Jessica scolded. "Don't be rude."

I blinked, gluing my unfocused eyes to Andrew's annoyed gaze. I bit the inside of my cheek and fled to the library. The Hunters called for me to stop, but I didn't bother listening.

"John?" I called out. I stepped into the quiet study, wandering through the endless shelves in search of the human. Several seconds of wandering lead me onto his scent, finding him looking through some leather-bound books. He turned around, jumping. "Don't scare me like that, Malen'kiy—"

"What are you doing?" I growled, narrowing my eyes at the book in his hands. It lacked a label, though its ancient scent probably meant it was a grimoire.

His eyes darted between me and the grimoire before a soft smile spread across his features. "Research. What else?"

I raised an accusing eyebrow. "On Beasts?"

His smile faltered. The former Hunter's eyes strayed to my clenched hands. My claws threatened to make my hands a bloody mess. A sliver of self-control was keeping them from doing just that.

"You need to calm down before you hurt yourself." He said, setting aside his book.

A rumbling growl greeted him. "I am calm, John," Red flashed in my chocolate brown orbs. "Now answer my question."

"I'm just trying to help you, trying to find a way to—"

"He's lying through his teeth," Ghost's raspy growl echoed in my ears with the smothering scent of blood accompanying his presence. "He wants to free himself of the burden you are to him." My scowl deepened as he came into view, his grotesque bloody nose still there. His eyes, however, still ran a chill up my spine without effort.

"You're lying," I gritted out, the red in my eyes growing until almost no brown was left.

Ghost set free a chortle, going around to stand behind the former Hunter. He offered a casual shrug. "Whether I'm lying or not doesn't matter," A smug snicker curled his lips. "I'm not real, remember?"

"Why would I lie to you?" John's voice broke through the ringing in my ears. Cerulean blue sparkled in my orbs and my scowl softened enough to notice the worry and frustration lacing the human's voice. "Have I ever lied to you?"

My coiled shoulders sagged; however, the bubbling rage pulsing in my colored pools remained. "No, no you haven't."

"Not yet at least." Ghost taunted and plopped on a table. "You know, if I just twisted my hands like," he grabbed the sides of his head and jerked it to the side with a disgusting snicker, "that, his little blonde head would go rolling like a little turd—"

My jaw creaked. "Enough!" I snarled with blood-red eyes, meeting Ghost's smug snicker with an enraged scowl. "Get. Out!"

"Malen'kiy Volk!" (Little Wolf)

I inhaled sharply, my crazed blood-red eyes sizzling to a surprised chocolate brown. I tore my eyes from where Ghost sat, coming face to face to John's contorted gaze. Contorted between concern and caution. Like he didn't know whether to see the girl in front of him or the animal prowling underneath.

Something tightened around my wrist. My gaze flew to it, finding John gripping my bloodied fist. Blood trickled through my fingers.

My eyes widened and I snatched my hand back. John didn't resist. I met his gaze and swallowed hard.

"What's wrong with you?" He croaked.


His sagged shoulders, I now noticed, straightened as a sour scent surrounded him. "Don't lie to me!"

I flinched and backed away, clutching my bloodied fist to my chest. A taut rope snaked around my throat. It took everything in me not to claw at it. "John, stop."

"No, I'm not going to stop until you tell me what's going with you!"

I set free a seething breath, all but snarling in the former Hunter's face as tears stung in my eyes. "You wouldn't understand!"

"Then help me understand," He pleaded. "I don't know how to help you if you don't tell me what's wrong with you!"

"Tell him."

I froze, my wide brown orbs landing on Christian.

His signature lopsided smile tugged the damaged heartstrings only he has ever touched. "Tell him everything."

"What's going on? What's with all the shouting?" Axel yelled with the other Hunters trailing after him.

"Malen'kiy Volk—" John began, glancing at me with a mixture of emotions. "I think she's snapped." (Little Wolf)

"You don't know that!" I shouted with a flash of blue orbs. I panted and clutched my head, feeling tears prick my eyes. I staggered away, resisting the urge to cry out over the mounting pressure in my chest. Nothing was there, I told myself. Nothing's there. Nothing's there. Nothing's there.

"You're not acting like yourself and I know that!" The former Hunter barked.

"Let him help you, Jazz," Christian begged. His vibrant forest-colored eyes pleaded for me to resign myself and give up smothering the flame that was my trauma. "You've suffered enough."

I roared. Letting fire engulf my fist, I slammed it against the concrete wall. I bit back a sob when warm blood trickled down the cracks.

I fell to my knees. I clutched my head and wailed a broken cry. I wailed my heart's anguish and my mind's fragility. I screamed and cried, beating my fist against the concrete as tears streamed down my cheeks.

Warm, small hands gripped my shoulders. I breathed shakily, biting my lip so hard it bled. A warm and comforting set of arms embraced me, running calloused fingers over my arms and nape as I sobbed.

Darkness greeted me like an old friend.


A/N: That marks the end of Chapter 29. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Updates are every other Saturday, so stay tuned!

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