Chapter XIX

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My breath got caught in my throat. I was weak in the knees, my shock and disbelief the only things keeping me upright. My ice-blue eyes lost their cool tint to the burning blood-red that crept in its place.

I wanted to scream, to sob, to do anything that could snap me out of my paralyzed and mute state, but the rage igniting in my soul was no match for the shock shackling me down.

I couldn't stop the strangled cry of anguish from escaping me. Childhood memories of what used to be my home clashed with the shell it was now. It was almost too much to bear.

My eyes snapped closed. A sob tore from my throat, my mind flashing with horrifying memories of the Fire. My knees buckled from underneath me and although Christian was rushing to my side, I couldn't detect his presence.

I stifled another howl as I held my head. A muffled scream escaped my clenched lips, my claws digging into my scalp as a memory of the Fire ripped its way through my subconscious.

I let out a strangled scream as the pain, fear, and desperation of the Fire clawed its way into my being. The memories of the Fire, ones I once held under closed doors, burst through the deepest pits of my mind, suffocating me with the last flickers of emotions I had when I was still human.

I was back in Thomas' room. Fire and smoke greeted me with a lethal joy, my skin blistering with the scorching burns, and my lungs roaring with the instinctive desire to inhale.

I screamed a curdling cry as I was met with the wave of hellfire that sent me down this path. It was a path I lit up myself, I had to keep reminding myself. I chose to take Alex's place in the Fire, thus damning myself to this vicious cycle of violence so he could be free.

F-Fang! I screamed into the sun-kissed hellfire. My claws dug into my scalp as the pain intensified until the roar of the flames was all that rumbled in my ears.

H-Help me, please! I pleaded. I can't take this!

It took a few moments for Fang to appear. She stepped into my Hell, snuffling out the fires tormenting me without effort and leaving a dark abyss in her wake.

Her hardened eyes softened, giving me a gaze filled with sorrow. Why did you come back, Jasmine? You know what this place means to us, so why return? Why revisit a place that has brought us nothing but pain?

I gritted my teeth to stifle a growl. Our pain is worth their lives, Fang. We spent too long hiding from the harsh reality of our mistake. It's time we atoned.

"Jazz! Jasmine!" Christian yelled my name, distorted in the abyss.

Fang sighed, giving me a pained gaze. You won't like what you see.

I scoffed, groaning when the pain of my buried memories began to surface once more. I'd rather hate the truth then enjoy living the lie. You know that, Fang.

Fang sighed, dipping her head in a reluctant nod. Very well, Jasmine. Let's hope you don't regret this.

You can bark at me all you want when I do. I retorted.

She returned the gesture and pressed her nose against my forehead.

I opened my eyes. They locked onto the hands wrapped around my wrists.

Christian's wide and trembling amber eyes met my pained and teary blues ones. His lips moved, but nothing came out. He pulled me into his embrace. He smoothed my hair down as I fought back the tears streaming down my cheeks. The pain was too fresh, too profound, and the only thing that kept me from screaming was crying.

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