Chapter 4

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I felt a tiny poke in my back and turned to see Hinata standing behind me. "K.. Kazumi-chan?" she asked quietly after staring at me for a few moments. "Hi Hinata-chan." I said, surprised that she would talk to me. "How may I help you?" "Um, well, I heard from Ino-" she started to whisper before I cut her off.

"Hinata-chan, please disregard anything Ino-chan has told you." I said. Hinata looked crestfallen, so I added, "What where you going to ask?" "I was going to ask if you knew how I could talk to Naruto-kun." she whispered in a voice so quiet I could barely hear.

I smiled. "That's easy." I said. "Just wait for him to get back, then ask him something about himself. You can do it." She nodded shyly and returned to her seat. Then Iruka sensei appeared dragging Naruto along... again. "Nice." I muttered to myself.

"Because of Naruto, you will all now review the transformation jutsu." Iruka sensei announced. The whole class groaned. "Nice going, NARUTO." I heard some kids mutter as we got up to perform the jutsu. "Thanks a lot, BAKA."

I glared at them. No matter how annoying he was, Naruto did not deserve to be bullied like that. "Shut it." I snapped. Then I stepped forward to perform the transformation jutsu. I heard Iruka sensei say, "You don't have to do it because you're new."

I ignored him and concentrated on focusing my chakra into my appearance. "Transform!" I yelled, transforming into Iruka sensei. Then the transformation flickered away and I collapsed on the ground. "I'm a bit dizzy." I said as I stood up with a nervous smile.

"The fact that you even managed to do it on your first try is amazing." Iruka sensei said, smiling. My smile grew wider as I stumbled back to my seat.

The next day, surprisingly, Naruto actually came to class. He took a seat next to Sasuke and I thought, "This is not good." I watched as all the girls in the class confronted Naruto, and a second before it happened, I realized what was going to happen. The "first kiss."

I watched as the girls' expressions turned from anger to surprise, then back to anger. I turned away and mused on what I had just discovered. Basically, my general concept was this. If I could remember what happens, then that means that the Naruto episodes have already played.

That means I could do things my own way, like go on missions or fight people without messing up the storyline, just as long as I didn't mess up and key points. That was my twisted logic, anyway. I grinned and leaned back in my seat. This was going to be fun.

"Today is the genin exam." Iruka sensei announced. I could barely lift my head. I'd been out all night practicing the basic jutsus, and I was exhausted now. After a while, my name was called. I got up and walked slowly into the room provided.

"We will be testing you on your clone jutsu." Iruka sensei announced once I entered the room. Thankfully, this was the one I'd been working on the most, because I knew what was going to happen. "Clone jutsu!" I thought, concentrating on creating clones, but I couldn't summon enough chakra.

"Clone jutsu!" I thought again, trying to summon up some chakra. I opened my eyes and saw the instructors looking expectantly at me. Iruka sensei shook his head. "I should have known a first-timer couldn't pull it off."

I stared. "I'm... I'm just out of chakra." I stuttered. "Please, I'll show you the jutsu tonight, if you give me a chance." Iruka sensei sighed. "I suppose. After all, you are a cadet and you deserve a chance. Meet me in the forest."

I spent the rest of the day resting, trying to build my chakra up in my apartment. "Dang." I thought. "Maybe I'll just go to sleep and never wake up." Then I shook my head. "I'm so negative." I scolded myself.

I got up and stared at the sky. "It's dark." I said out loud. I walked out of my apartment and locked the door behind me. Then I walked to the designated meeting point. "Hello." I said once meeting Iruka sensei there.

"Show me your jutsu." Iruka sensei said, getting down to business. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Focus." I told myself. "Focus." Concentrating so hard I though my brain would explode, I split my chakra into pieces to create clones and yelled, "Clone jutsu!"

I opened my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the clones standing successfully in the light. Iruka sensei congratulated me. "Good job." "Don't I get a headband?" I asked confusedly. "Well, I didn't actually expect you to make it." Iruka sensei admitted, and I nodded.

"I understand, thank you." I bowed and started walking back to my apartment. When I got to my apartment, I hesitated at the door. Then I walked in and sat on the floor. "I don't belong here." I thought to myself, depressed even though I had no reason to be. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up in the same routine as yesterday and walked to the Academy, dawdling at some random stores. "Today's the day when we'll be meeting our sensei's and groups." I thought to myself, trying to get excited with no avail.


Sorry that this was a short chapter. I'm just quite stuck with the plot right now. Also, I'm a procrastinator.

I Am Not a Secret to be Kept (A Neji Hyuga Love Story) - Book one [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now