Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. "Is it morning?" I asked, to no one in particular. Then I realized I was alone... in the wilderness, with nothing. "Ahh! Where am I?" I yelled. I was getting seriously freaked out. Then the events of what happened before this came rushing to me. I blinked. "No. Way. There is no freaking way I'm..."

I looked around me. Behind me, I could see a gate. With the Leaf Village symbol on it. "Ooohhkay." I said slowly, taking a deep breath. "You can do this. You can do this. You can make it to that gate without fangirling." Then I shook my head. Ever the practical one, I laughed at myself. I was lecturing myself. Now that was lame.

Then I realized something. "If I'm in Naruto... that means no one knows who I am. I can be myself, and be proud of it." I smiled and walked towards the gate. I started running, and I felt power coursing through my body. Was this what it felt like to be a ninja? I loved this stamina, how it seemed like I could run forever if I wanted.

I reached the gate in five minutes. "That took longer than I thought it would." I commented. I walked through the gate and stared. It was so much better in real life! Smells wafting from every corner, happy people perusing the streets. "Who are you?" came a voice. I'd forgotten about the guards. I was suddenly conscious of what I was wearing. A pair of jean shorts, a wavy, loose, tank top, and black combat boots.

I beamed at the guards and said, "I'm here to see the Hokage." They raised their eyebrows at me. I tossed my hair and batted my eyelashes. "Won't you please let me see the Hokage?" I pleaded. Yep, I loved the art of seduction. Too bad I didn't get to use it very much. It was so useful. I smiled as they gaped at me. "Thanks!" I said, strolling into the village.

I had no idea how big this place was. I'd been wandering around for half an hour, and I hadn't gotten any closer to the Hokage's mansion. Someone grabbed my arm. "What do you think you're-" I broke off suddenly. "Naruto?" He stared at me suspiciously.

"How did you know my name? You're new, aren't you?" he said, looking me up and down. "Yep. Yep." he murmured to himself, not giving me a chance to say anything. I sighed. I knew he was a hero and all, but he was such an idiot!

"You're the one Old Man Hokage sent for!" he said. "What?" I asked, astonished. "How did the Hokage know I was here?" "Beats me. Follow me." Naruto responded, not looking at me. "He said I get ramen if I bring you there." I rolled my eyes. The only thing that got through Naruto's skull was ramen.

We arrived at the Hokage's house. I had to admit, Naruto was faster than me. I wondered if I would get chakra too. That would be awesome. Naruto led me up some stairs to the Hokage. "Old Man, I brought her here!" Naruto yelled in that loud voice of his. I winced and covered my ears. Then I remembered I was standing in front of the Hokage, and I bowed.

"So, you're the new ninja in our village." Lord Hokage commented. I frowned. "I'm not sure I'm a ninja, sir." I said. He chuckled at me. "Of course you're a ninja. What did you do to the guards?" I blushed. "I just asked politely, sir." He chuckled again. This was getting on my nerves. "Asked politely? Why, that was a ninjutsu if I've ever seen one!" I was starting to get the feeling that this man was senile. "And I'm not senile." he added, reading my mind. "You just concentrated your chakra to your beauty. Yet, I don't know one thing. Where are you from?"

I blinked and stammered, "I'm from.... somewhere far away." It was the truth, at least. The Third Hokage nodded. "You're not wearing clothes from this region. I can see you are becoming impatient, so you are dissmissed." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Does this mean I get to become a ninja?" He nodded again. "Rightfully so."

The next day I headed out to the Academy. Thank goodness it was the close to the last day. I felt strongly the Academy was for little brats. I opened the classroom door and walked in. Everyone stared at me, and it was an uncomfortable feeling. I took a seat at the back of the room and the whispers started. "Who's she?" "Probably some hotshot." "She must be a troublemaker to sit in the back." "She's hot." Okay, so that last one disturbed me the most.

After Iruka sensei entered the room, everyone became quiet. "We have a new student here." Iruka announced. "Kazumi, if I am correct." I nodded as all eyes were on me. "Today we will be reviewing  techniques for the upcoming graduation test. Naruto, would you like to go first?" He looked at the spot where Naruto was supposed to be sitting. Then he realized it was empty. "Excuse me, I will be right back!" Iruka sensei yelled as he rushed out the door.

Once he was gone, all the students clustered around where I was seated. "Oh my gosh, can you give me room for a sec?" I asked, panicking. I'm claustrophobic. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Hi." I said. Of course, you have to wonder why they were all gathered around my desk. "I'm Kazumi Tsukino."

Someone mumbled hi. I looked at him and my eyes went wide. Kiba Inuzuka? He was so hot! Of course, he had nothing on Neji, but still. There were too many fanfictions about him, though.  I smiled at him and turned on the feminine wiles. "Hi." I said in a sweet, but not sickly sweet voice. "What's your name?" I already knew his name, but it was better that no one knew my story.

He blushed. I was really surprised. Guys with egos that big never blushed. "Kiba." He responded. "I'm Hinata." came a quiet voice from somewhere in the throng of students. I smiled slightly at her. "Nice to meet you, Hinata." Everything went pretty smoothly from there on, at least until Iruka sensei dragged Naruto into the room.

I Am Not a Secret to be Kept (A Neji Hyuga Love Story) - Book one [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now