Chapter 3

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"Owww! Oww!" Naruto yelled. Iruka sensei was dragging him in by his ear. I suppressed a giggle. How can you not laugh when something as ridiculous as that happens?

Iruka sensei let go of his ear, and Naruto promptly collapsed to the ground. "Oww..." he moaned, rubbing his ear. "Iruka sensei, you pinch hard." Then he looked up at me. "Hey, aren't you..." I shot him a glare. I didn't like people nosing in my business, and this was sure to get everyone's attention. He got the hint, and shut up.

Just then the Academy let out, and I was left wondering where I would go to sleep. I wandered aimlessly for a couple of minutes, then found a decent looking apartment building. I realized I didn't have money. "Darn." I thought. Then I sighed. I supposed I could use the seduction thing again.

I walked inside and found a man walking in the "lobby". By lobby I mean dusty little place with chairs. The man was bald, fat, gray, and a lot of other things I didn't want to be. "Excuse me, is there a manager here?" I asked the man politely.

He nodded. "Just take the first door on your right." he replied in that creaky voice most old people have. I thanked him and walked through that door.

The room on the other side was not how I expected it to be at all. It was plush and luxurious, with velvet cushions on a leather sofa, and a desk that looked brand new. Behind the desk was a young man with a fancy suit on.

I immediately hated him. "And just who are you to come barging in here?" he asked. "I'm here to look for a temporary living space." I answered coolly. "But I don't have any money." "Well, sucks to be you." the jerk said. "I only rent for MONEY."

"Hmph." I grumped. "And what if I could offer you something else?" He raised his eyebrows. "And just what might that be?" he asked, now curious. "... Um." I said. Maybe I hadn't thought this through enough.

He smirked at me. "You'll never get a room without money." he said. So I did the only thing I could. I sucker-punched him in his face. "Ow, what wad dat for?" he moaned, holding his nose to stop the bleeding.

"It's for being a jerk." I said. "Now hand over the key." He glared. "Nebur!" he yelled, his voice a bit nasal from holding his nose. "You want more of that?" I asked, holding up a fist. He didn't relent, so I punched his gut.

Would it be wrong to say it felt good? Because that's exactly how it felt. I was only feeling slightly guilty when he coughed up blood. "Monster..." he choked out before handing me a key.

I walked up the stairs to my room, and unlocked the door. When I opened it, a cloud of dust whooshed out. I doubled over, coughing. "My..." cough, "Gosh..." cough, "What..." cough, "the..." cough, "Heck?"

Once I stopped coughing, I walked into the room and took a look around. It honestly wasn't that bad of a room, just really, really dusty and unused. There was a main entrance room, the room I was standing in, a bedroom, and a storage room.

"Time to clean." I thought with a sigh. I spent the rest of the day cleaning the space, and thankfully, it looked a little better. Now I just had to get some acceptable clothes. I was lucky, finding money on a step outside of the building.

I walked down the streets of the village and stopped at a clothing store. Peeking inside, I saw displays of colorful clothing, not generally something a ninja would wear. Then I spotted the perfect outfit.

A free-flowing short skirt (I mean, I was going to keep up this seduction thing, wasn't I?), a black sleeveless top with lace on the bottom, and some sandals. I walked into the store and paid for the outfit.

I still had some money left over, so I went to the Ichiraku ramen stand. As I entered the stand, I smelled something wafting out from the kitchen. "Umm, is there anyone here?" I asked, hungry for ramen. An old man walked out from the back and I recognized him as Teuchi.

"Welcome to the Ichiraku ramen stand!" he said. "I haven't seen you before. Are you new?" I nodded, and he said, "Well, because you're new, you must be here to taste the welcome ramen! Every new visitor gets one."

I shrugged. "Sure, why not?" I said. Ayame brought out a steaming bowl of ramen, and I gingerly blew on it to cool it down. I took my first bite, and it was better than I expected. "I see why Naruto likes ramen." I remarked, eating the rest of the ramen delicately.

"Do you know Naruto?" Teuchi asked me, and I realized I made a mistake. "Um, we met today and he said he likes ramen." I said. It wasn't exactly a lie. I finished my ramen and paid for it. "Thank you!" I said, leaving.

It was dark outside, so I supposed I should go to my apartment and sleep. I lay down on the floor with a sigh and thought about what happened today.

1. I was somehow magically (I assume) teleported into Naruto.

2. I met a jerk in a place and I am now his customer.

3. I learned I have the potential to become a ninja.

4. I achieved absoloutely nothing at all.

"All in all, a pretty good day!" I thought to myself with a smirk before falling asleep.

The next day, I woke up with a faint notion that I was not in my house. And then came the full shock of being in Naruto, all thanks to absorbing stuff while sleeping. "Dang, I have to get to the Academy!" I thought frantically. "Where are my clothes?"

I spotted my new clothes on the ground and hurriedly put them on. I rushed to the Academy and raced into the room. I noticed Naruto wasn't there again, but before I could do anything, someone called my name.

"Hey, Kazumi-chan!" I'd recognized that voice anywhere. "Ino?" I asked, turning around. Ino waved frantically at me, and I walked over to her. What else could I do? "I heard you can do a seduction jutsu." she conspiratorially whispered to me, and I mentally head-banged myself. I would hurt Naruto.

"Y... Yes." I stammered. "Can you teach me to do it, so I can finally beat billboard brow over there and win Sasuke-kun's heart?" she asked. "I'm sorry, it's a clan jutsu, there's no way you can use it unless you have a-" I stopped abruptly. I'd forgotten that most people didn't know about the sharingan.

"A what?" she asked, and I decided my only chance was to play dumb. "What are you talking about, Ino-chan?" I asked innocently. "You must be mistaken. I didn't say anything." "But.. but-" Thankfully Iruka sensei entered the room.

I rushed to my seat. "Where's Naruto?" Iruka sensei asked. Then he shook his head, and I could see the anger mark on his forehead. "I'll go get him." he said. He glared at us. "You better behave!"

I Am Not a Secret to be Kept (A Neji Hyuga Love Story) - Book one [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now