Chapter 10

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Something was shaking me. "Mm." I was so sleepy. "Hey, it's time for you to get out of the hospital." "What?" I immediately sat up, sure it was a joke. I had been stuck inside of the hospital for about a week now, and I was sick of it.

"Seriously?" I asked. I looked at the doctor beside my cot. He nodded. "Yes." he answered. I gaped at him, too shocked to say anything. After a few moments, I said, "Bye!", jumped out of the bed, and raced out of the hospital.

"I'm free!" I thought to myself. "Free!!" Then I noticed a big building. I had never been in this part of the village before. The sign on the building said "Konoha Local Library." "Hmm..." I said, contemplating something that had just come to me.

I walked inside and took a seat at a table. After sitting there for a few moments like an idiot, I got up and walked to the counter. I'd never been inside a library, due to me being a rich kid. All the books I wanted just got delivered to me.

"Excuse me." I said at the counter. "Hm?" the lady at the counter turned around. She looked like she was in her twenties, with long auburn hair and beautiful maroon eyes. "Do you have any books on the Yamauchi clan?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes." she responded, "But I'm afraid we can't give out that information." I sighed. What could I do now? Then I remembered when I first arrived in the leaf village. What had the Hokage told me? That... that I used an attraction jutsu on the guards.

I remembered now. I hoped this worked on girls. "Um, hey." I said, flipping my hair. "Could you PLEASE give me that info?" I asked with wide eyes. I smiled sweetly. "I'll just need it for a teensy moment." She stared at me. "O-okay." she said, handing me a small piece of paper. "But you mustn't tell anyone."

"I won't." I said, grinning brightly at her, relieved it had worked. "Thank you!" I chirped. As I walked away, I looked at the piece of paper. It said X 89.054, and I assumed it was where I would find the info that I wanted. No, that I needed.

I walked down the hall to the last aisle. I looked up at the rows and rows of books. It seemed to stretch on forever. Thankfully, the book was on the very bottom shelf. I bent down to pick it up. "Yamauchi Clan Secrets." I read. "By... Koi Yamauchi?!" I exclaimed.

I sat down at a table and skimmed the pages. "Clan ancestors... clan babies... fundamental tools for the Yamauchi shinobi... so boring..." I flipped through until I found what I was looking for. The clan weaknesses. "What kind of idiot would put that in a book?" I wondered. "Oh well, better for me."

Weaknesses: None. "What the..." I said. I rolled my eyes at this stupidity. Then, something else caught my eye. "Clan SPECIAL jutsus?" I asked. I read the page next to the weaknesses page.

These jutsus are dangerous and potentially life-harming. The page read. Only high level ninja may accomplish these. 1. Fire-shape jutsu. This jutsu will allow the user to do anything with it, including track other people, change into anything the user wants to be, or spy on others. However, there is a high risk of death in using it.

I sighed. Of course there was. You couldn't get scot free with anything these days, especially important stuff. I hoped it was worth it. I kept reading.

The hand signs for this jutsu are: tiger, horse, sheep, tiger, cow. They must be done fast and precisely. 2. Mind read jutsu. The mind read jutsu isn't like the Yamanaka clan's jutsus. This jutsu allows people to explore the minds of others without them noticing. It is useful for getting information that people may have forgotten. However, it expends large amounts of chakra. Of course, only idiots don't know this.

I growled in anger. How dare that imbecile call me an idiot. Of course, he didn't know I was reading his precious clan book. I smirked at the thought of the look on his face when he realized I read it.

The hand signs for the jutsu are: Rat, horse, cow, snake. One must be careful not to make any noise or the jutsu will not be subtle enough.

"Well, thanks for helping, Koi." I said to myself, grinning. Then I put the book back and ran to the forest to start my top secret training. Tiger, horse, sheep, tige-. I stumbled on the tiger hand sign. "Dang." I thought to myself.

So the day went on. By the end of the day I could produce a small flame. "Better than nothing." I thought. I slumped against a tree, not ready to go home. "Hey, what are you doing?" I looked up to see Neji, but I was too exhausted to be shy.

"Practicing... a jutsu." I said, taking a deep breath. I couldn't tell him that I had manipulated a librarian into giving me secret records. "Oh yeah?" he said with a smirk. "You look like you're having a hard time." I glared at him.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked harshly. I couldn't believe it. Every time I met my favorite character, I ended up getting into a huge fight with him. I took a deep breath to calm down. "I'm here to train." he said.

I looked at him. "You have to train?" I asked in surprise. "I thought that you were naturally good." He looked at me. "I can't figure out if that was an insult or a compliment." he said. "Both." I responded, standing up.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to practice more." I felt refreshed now. Somehow, I had more energy than I usually did. "You know, I could always mess you up - I mean, train with you." I glared at him. "You wouldn't dare." I said. Turns out that he would. Thus began our new, if a bit awkward, friendship.

I Am Not a Secret to be Kept (A Neji Hyuga Love Story) - Book one [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now