Chapter 5

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"Cell 5." Iruka sensei announced from the front of the room. "Kazumi Tsukino." I lifted my head up slightly and looked at Iruka sensei. "Kei Yamauchi." Who the heck was that? I heard someone grunt behind me. I turned around and saw a young male, much too young to be enrolled in the Academy, with blond-brown shaggy hair and dark gray eyes.

Despite his look of youth, he looked like someone I definitely did not want to cross. He caught me looking at him and gave a hard stare, so I turned back and paid attention. "Hisao Kato." It was another guy, this time with green tinted spiky hair and yellow eyes. He was sitting next to the first guy, Kei. "Punk?" I thought. He gave me a large grin.

I sighed and put my head down on the desk. "Why aren't there more kunoichi?" I thought to myself. Then I shook my head. "Your sensei's will meet you after lunch." Iruka sensei said. "You are dismissed." I grabbed my lunch and ran out of the room.

"Dang dang DANG." I thought to myself. "Not good AT ALL." I found an oak tree to sit down beneath and started opening my lunch. I'd gotten the bento earlier at some store with the money I had from not spending at Ichiraku ramen.

I hated boys. From what I could tell, all boys were jerks. All boys besides Toshi, anyways. I sat down and started eating a pork bun. It was actually quite good. I didn't eat food from my house, I always got it takeout and it was horrible. For a few moments, I sat enjoying my food, but then I started wondering.

What would I do when I got back? I definintely didn't want to be in this group. I sighed. I supposed I wouldn't really have any other option to be in it, would I? Lunch was over all too soon. I finished up and headed to the classroom.

"Hello, I am Koe Fukui." a woman said as I entered the room. She had short, dark yellow hair and big, blue eyes. "I'm your sensei. You should call me Koe sensei." I nodded, happy that there was someone I could probably put up with. Then I looked around. "Where are the others?" I questioned. Koe sensei shook her head. "Not here yet." she responded.

I sighed and took a seat on a desk. "So, you're Kazumi, right?" I nodded. "The Hokage himself admitted you. I must say, that's quite a honor." she said to me. I stared. I hadn't known it was that big of a deal. "Um, yes." I said, unsure where this was going.

"What did you do?" she asked, leaning forward conspiritorally. I paused awkwardly. Suddenly, the door burst open and Kei and Hisao arrived. "Look, there they are." I said, relieved to get out of this mess. "Hello, I am Koe Fukui." Koe sensei said.

"I'm your sensei. You should call me Koe sensei." It was the exact same thing she said to me. I rolled my eyes. "Hisao Kato." "Kei Yamauchi." The two boys each introduced themselves briefly, then took a seat. "Today we're testing your skills."

"Um, objection." I said. "I'm new, and I've barely learned the clone jutsu." Koe sensei smirked at me. "Well then, you'll just have to learn fast, won't you?" I sighed and crossed my arms. It looked like I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight either.

Koe sensei herded our group out into the courtyard, where we spent the rest of the day working on our substitution jutsu. "Why?" Hisao had complained when Koe sensei had told us. "Because Kazumi here doesn't know it." Koe sensei said as if lecturing a small child.

Hisao had glared at me, and I just rolled my eyes at him. Now it was dark, but at least I'd gotten some practice in. I trudged slowly back to my apartment, exhausted. Once I got to the door, I walked in, locked the door behind me, and slumped against the wall.

My body was numb. I couldn't feel anything as I drifted into slumber. "The shinigami are coming." I thought to myself before falling deep into sleep.

I woke up the next morning, refreshed. "Today we're going on our first mission!" I thought to myself, thinking back on what Koe sensei had told us. "Our first mission is a D-rank." she'd said. It was a D-rank mission, a mere pushover, but that couldn't be helped.

 I trudged down the steps of the building and arrived at the place where Koe sensei had told us to meet. When I arrived, Koe sensei yelled, "You're late!" I blinked and looked around. "But no one's here yet." I complained. "How can I be late?"

Koe sensei crossed her arms. "You're all late!" she yelled, her voice large and intimidating. I shuddered. So yesterday was an act.  "So did you practice?" Koe sensei asked me as if she already knew the answer. I stiffened and answered meekly, "I... forgot."

She glared at me in annoyance. She was probably the only person able to keep my attitude in check. Just then Kei and Hisao arrived, together as usual. "YOU'RE LATE!" Koe sensei thundered at them. "We have a mission today, right?" Hisao blurted out, ignoring her. Kei looked annoyed.Koe sensei nodded. "We have a mission..." she announced. "To..."

"How did I get stuck doing this?" I muttered, rubbing my sore back. Kei glared at me. "Stop complaining, whiner." I glared back at him. "Shut your trap, rat face." I shot back at him. He sent me one last glare and went back to pulling weeds.

That's right, we got stuck on a weed-pulling mission. At least the old lady who hired us was nice enough. She brought us water, which, unfortunately, we all had to share. "No thanks." I had said, a mistake which I was regretting now.

I sat down on the burning hot ground, sweating like crazy. "When is this going to be over?" I asked. Koe sensei had abandoned us halfway through this stupid little mission. Suddenly, a rumbling in the ground made me stand up. A huge mole popped out of the ground.

"Ah yes, did I mention the metal eating moles?" the old lady said. I tried to stop myself from strangling her. "It's just an old lady." I told myself mentaly. For now, we had more serious things to worry about.

I Am Not a Secret to be Kept (A Neji Hyuga Love Story) - Book one [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now