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20 January 2016~

"I'm sorry.. s-she's gone."

Two words made their whole world crumble. Cries, sobs, weeping, and screams were heard in the room.

"Jisoo-ya!! How can you leave me?! How can you leave us?! Leave Taehyung?! I thought you want to tell him how much you love him?! This is your anniversary remember?!!" Her friends shook her body, hoping she'd wake up. But it was no use. Their boyfriends approached them and calmed them down, although they were holding their cries themselves.

Jisoo was lying there, on the bed, not moving at all. Her face was pale, her whole body was cold and blue. The bright smile she always wore is now no longer seen on her face. Her laugh, her sweet voice, her beautiful eyes is not ever going to be seen again.

"Come on, guys. W-we have to take care of her f-funeral.. l-let's–" Jimin stopped as he sobbed.

"S-she's fine. She's happier now. Come on." Jungkook smiled, although his tear couldn't stop falling from his eyes.

"Jen? Come on." Yoongi pulled her girlfriend gently.

"Soo-ya.. thank you. Thank you for being the bestest best friend i have ever had. Thank you for filling my life with your smiles, your laughs, your jokes, your hugs, your soothing words, everything. Why do you have to leave so soon? Who's going to be my buddy now? My sister? No one can replace you, you know? But i also want you to be happy. You're happy now, right?" Jennie smiled.

"I'll always love you, Jisoo. Goodbye, my beloved sister, rest in peace. Thanks for your gift. I'll cherish it all my life. I'll give Taehyung his this afternoon." She continued.

"Until we meet again, Chu." She lastly said, kissing her bestfriend's forehead.

"Jennie?" Suga held his cry. "Come on. Are you okay?"

"I can't believe this will be my last time seeing her face to face. But yeah, i'm fine. Come on. Take me to Taehyung's."

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