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14 February 2016~

Glancing at the bucket of red roses beside me, i smiled bitterly.

It's valentines day and i miss her more than ever.

I would always feel lonely this day until i met her. When she was here, we would spend the whole day together, just doing whatever we wanted to do. But now, we're separated in a thousand miles.

The bright sun doesn't light up my day even for a bit, remembering she's not here with me anymore.

I turned my steering wheel to the left, towards the place she lies under the ground, with her name written on a stone. Her tomb.

As i got closer, my eyes started to blur, covered by the uninvited tears, that i didn't notice a huge truck was coming in my way.

Their loud horn was heard as our two vehicles got closer.

I slowly grabbed the flowers beside me,

and slightly smiled with my tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

I closed my eyes as i felt the huge impact that made me thrown out of my car and fell hard on the ground.

I can barely see the blood that's all over my body and people that started to give me attention.

"Burry me... beside her tomb.. I.... love her." I said weakly before pictures of the two of us together that she captured on her camera was shown in my mind.

Then, everything went dark.

- T H E E N D -

This story has finally reached the end!! Thank you so much for all of you who have been supporting Camera all the way! I'm sorry if it isn't the happy ending y'all probably hoped for,, but an epilogue is on it's way! So don't remove this from your library just yet😌
See you!! <33

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