I looked around and saw my girlfriend taking lots of pictures.
"Jisoo-ya! What's that?" I asked her.
"A camera! I just bought it yesterday." She smiled.
"What for? I didn't know you like taking pictures."
"Hmm.. It's actually the memories in it that i like."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't like photography that much. But if it helps me remember the good times we've had, why not? It can also help me feel the same feelings again." She grinned.
"You don't need a camera to do that. If you forget, we can make new ones. If you want to feel the same feelings, we'll do it again." I told her.
"Hey! You'll never know! You'll see how precious cameras can be one day." She glared at me.
I chuckled and ruffled her hair, "okay, okay. Whatever you say, Jisoo-ya."