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Spells whizzed past the windows outside, cries and calls had echoed throughout the corridors, but Clove lay comfortably. Her chest was light and warm. She didn't know if this made her selfish, or so messed up beyond repair she found happiness in an environment filled with grief. But, it was Draco. It would always be Draco that would be present for her. Her head lay on his chest. It was rising and falling quickly. He had been nervous, where Clove wishes she had been, she wishes she hadn't felt this serene. His eyes were fixated on a rumbling shingle on the roof of the tower. With each footstep from a giant, or crumble of debris crashing off of the school, it would rattle under each vibration.

Everything around them was alive, in the most chaotic way. The Dark Lord's Death Eaters, the students and professors of Hogwarts, the house elves, the dementors, The Dark Lord himself, they were all full of life. They would all fight for a cause. Maybe it wasn't honorable. But how selfish everyone had seemed in that very moment. The Death Eaters, killing and killing just to please a man that wreaks havoc everywhere his pale fingers touch. The students and professors, desperately clinging onto their life and the life of their loved ones. It was harmonic in the most chaotic way.

And Clove. Clove had felt happiness in that moment. How chaotic it was.

Her body was melted in between his. One of his legs was propped up, the other lay still. And in between, there lies Clove. Her arms rested gently on his chest. She could fall asleep if she allowed herself, she'd been imagining the spells had been fireworks, imagining the sky being painted with colors, imagining the burning smell of wood was a warm bonfire. She was escaping to her dream world, but so suddenly, that would be ripped from her. George and Neville had plowed into the room.

Their faces were dirtied, blood trickled from Neville's temple. Clove pushed herself up, noticing how George sported a limp. Rushing towards him, she offered her support for him to lean on her. He refused, pushing past her and limping towards Lira. The herb was in his hand. He plucked the bark gently, careful to remove any dirt and water left.

"Li, you have to eat this, okay? You'll feel better," Fred took the five finger grass from George. His hand was gentle, helping her open her mouth. She took the herb, and began chewing. Her energy was slipping away, but the blankets and fire had helped keep Lira warm enough to keep her body functioning. "That's it." Fred's voice was drained, and a tear formed at the corner of his eye. He'd press his forehead to hers.

Clove looked away, Draco was now on his feet, multiple plumes of smoke had been circling the tower. Everyone had looked up, their attention focused on the whizzing of the Death Eaters outside the castle. And then, a blast of fire ignited. The smoke began to rise quickly and licked at the wooden beams.

"Everyone, out! Now!" Fred exclaimed, his hands reached for Lira, and the few of them began filing out.

Draco and Clove were the only ones left in the tower. Multiple spells pierced the stone wall, heavily exposing the two to the other Death Eaters.

"Draco, hide, please. They'll kill you..." Her voice was hushed, as she pushed him around the corner. But, he halted, pushing her hands off of him.

"You're mad if you think I'm leaving you again." His blonde hair had dirtied from laying on the floor, just from the battle in general. His eyebrows furrowed. Though, Clove had thought up and idea.

"Better hold on then, Blondie." She smiled, and she grasped his arms, wrapping them around her neck. She plunged off of the side of the building, her body and Draco's morphed together. Both of them erupted into a veil of smoke, Draco buried his face into the crook of her neck, he was fearful.

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