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 Draco's footsteps flood the corridors. Clove whispered Nox, her wand extinguished its light, and she grasped it tightly. In the darkness, she heard Draco walk towards her, his hand brushing hers. He'd grasp it, the cool outer part of his rings squeezed around the inner parts of her fingers. His body quietly pressed closer to hers. His back touched the front of her body, and he pushed her towards the back of the wall. His hand had still held hers in it, while his free hand would reach the wall, locking her behind him.

Clove inhaled sharply as her back collided with the cool, stone wall behind her. Her hand held onto his, her hands seemed to tremble. She hadn't a clue what he was doing until the two heard a pair of footsteps walking past them. The torches had been blown out for quite a while, and they had pressed as close to the wall as they could muster, blending in with the invasion of darkness that inhabited the dungeons.

Their faces, their bodies, their presence was invisible to the ones that hurried past them, down the hall, and turned around the blunt corner of the winding corridor. And, at this moment, Clove took the opportunity to lead the tow-headed boy away from the assumption of danger. She hadn't a clue who the two were. Either Hogwarts students or Death Eaters. And, with Draco slung around her, both of them would be killed without a bat of an eye.

It doesn't help that Lord Voldemort had been immensely powerful and was superior at working Legilimens than any other witch or wizard known to date. And, at this thought, her hands grew clammy. But, the real reason the two had been traveling through the dungeons was simple. Draco, of which had been staying presently at Hogwarts, had left a shard of Foe-glass in the common room. Foe-glass, which shows the owner their known enemy, and the closer they are to their enemy, the more clear their image is in the foe-glass. Draco had explained on the way to the dungeons that he had taken a piece when Umbridge found the D.A. meetings their fifth year.

Clove was still relatively upset that he had been the one to infiltrate their meetings. Clove hadn't attended one, as she had been friends with Draco, and not to mention her house being in Slytherin. It makes sense though, as she had born the Dark Lord's mark.

But, as the two had made it to the wall where the common room entrance is, Clove ran her fingers along the rough wall. The stone seemed to hook onto her soft fingertips, almost luring her closer to the stone.

"Basilisk" Draco whispered, he became antsy as the stones began rattling and the silent barrier that had been strewn throughout the dungeons was now broken. Clove felt herself trying to look around the corner of the hallways, but it was as dark as a boomslang den. But, as soon as the common rooms permitted entry, they were welcomed with the glowing light of the black lake. Fortunately, it was completely deserted.

Draco, who had grasped Clove's hand, had begun pulling her towards the dorm rooms. His pace was quick, and his hair had messily hung in front of his eyes. His eyes had always had a piercing flaw to them, something Clove had grown to admire, but, at this moment, as he had sent quick glances back to the Death Eater girl, he had looked as if he were double-checking to see if she had been real. They were full of fear and stress. Within hers, his hand was trembling furiously, and as he placed his hand on the door to his room, he had taken a sharp inhale and turned the knob.

Inside, it was strewn and messy. There were a few apple cores, and a window was present. A large fish swam past hastily. The flash of red and green was no longer visible to them, as the surface of the lake was well over sixty feet above their heads. The water was murky, but the sea lanterns that were fastened outside of the window allowed for the artificial light to pool in Draco's features. His once built wall that he had forced in front of everyone as a student of this school now seemed to be shattered. He couldn't control his shaking or his breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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