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My weakness has always been you, Draco Malfoy. You have made me vulnerable.

From the moment Clove received her letter, her smile grew wide. It was challenging to wrap her head around the thought of witchcraft and wizardry. The parchment between her fingertips felt raw. It was a strange feeling, knowing she had been living in a world hidden from magical things. Almost as if she had been caressed by secrecy and safety for her whole eleven-year life. Peeling away the wax seal, the young girl read through the letter.

"Mum, what is Hogwarts?" Her loose curls danced messily around her face.


Following Lira and her parents, they stayed outside of Ollivanders. It smelled of dust and wood, it was comforting and the air seemed to engulf her. When the young first-year stepped inside of the shop, Clove's footsteps seemed as loud as ever, and as she approached the desk, her head had barely been able to see past it. Her heart pounded in her chest. She had not done anything by herself before, and Lira's parents insisted on her doing this by herself. 

"H-Hello?" Her voice was shaky. And, with a blink of an eye, a messy-haired wizard appeared from behind stacks of wands.

"Ahh, a new witch set for Hogwarts, I suppose. How about we try a few out, shall we?" His voice grew faint as he glided along a tidal wave of dusty boxes. Trying to peek her head around the corner, she turned and looked towards Lira, who was watching from the window outside. They shrugged, and just as soon as Clove had turned back, the man nad pulled a wand from the shelf.

Her honey-colored eyes were curious, and she reached for the wand that Ollivander held out. Though after a few seconds of silence, he spoke impatiently. "Well, give it a flick!"

Clove flicked the wand at a flower vase.

There was a loud crash, and the vase seemed to implode. She felt her cheeks grow hot, speaking harshly, "I'm sorry!"

 The wizard muttered "Reparo!" And the little girl's eyes grew wide in disbelief. The shattered glass had mended itself.

"Brilliant!" She smiled. Handing back the wand. She was then greeted by one he had pulled from the top shelf. He had handed it to her.

Feeling a lump in her throat, she saw a bent paper clip on the ground. Pointing her wand at the metal bit, she muttered "Reparo," and the object molded back to its original shape.

Her bright brown eyes grew wide as the spell had worked. Though, when she looked back to Ollivander, his face was decorated in awe. 

"A phoenix core wand, twelve and a half inches, hawthorn wood, and slightly springy flexibility." He spoke in a witty tone, and he handed her her first wand. Clove took it out of the wand maker's hand,  admiring the twists and delicate carvings that were apparent in her wand. It was a darker color, and the young witch admired its elegance.


"You think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and hand me down robes? You must be a Weasley." A towheaded boy spoke harshly, two goons giggled behind him. Lira and Clove looked towards one another, a cloud of confusion grew in their eyes as they pushed closer to the top of the stone staircase. Though, Clove laughed, realizing too late it wasn't a joke. A smug look from the blonde kid was sent to her, all while the ginger and Harry gave her as dirty as a look that was shot to the other boy.

His hair was slicked back, almost looking plastic, it was an odd look for any kid their age, or even an adult. He was taller than her already, which wasn't surprising. Her mother stood at a whopping 157 centimeters, her dad at 172. She looked toward's the boy's robes, his shoes, and even a ring on his finger. He was well kept, all while she was a straight mess next to him. Her hair was underkept and curly, her blouse not tucked in all the way, her Mary Jane's didn't shine with the same gloss as the blondes did. Clove looked around, only seeing one head of hair bushier than hers. She was boasting about reading "Hogwarts: A History".

Clove turned to Lira, whispering in her best friend's ear, she would mimic the other eleven-year-old. And, at that, Minerva McGonagall instructed the young children into the Great Hall.


"SLYTHERIN!" Her heart grew light after the sorting hat had placed her into the house she was hoping for. Though, she only wished for Slytherin because Lira had been placed before her. Hopping off of the stool, she would hear hollers and claps sounding from the table of her house. Though, the loudest of them all was easily Lira. 

The curly-haired girl chose a seat between the blonde boy and Lira. She turned towards the boy, remembering his smug smile. 

"Clove." She extended her pale hand out to the boy. His head turned, almost looking disgusted as he scanned her messy hair. Though he noticed her robes were new, and he raised an eyebrow. 

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He took her hand and she glinted at a smug smile.


Your stupid smile, your well thought out remarks, they got to me, as I did you. I have no choice.


Two first-years skidded down the hallway, giggles echoing. It was pitch black and Professor McGonagall's calls had been echoing behind them for a few moments. The paintings along the hallway had muttered cruel things in order for them to be quiet. McGonagall's voice was raspy and it called for the two, but just in the knick of time, Lira and Clove had slipped silently into the girl's bathroom. It was a challenge for the two to keep their giggles at a silent level, but, as they had stopped in front of the stalls to catch their breath, two pairs of large feet had been squished together.

"Do we open it?" Clove queried, and as she looked towards her mate, she shrugged and went for it. The first spell they had learned. 

"Alohamora," whispered Lira, and the door swung open with a parroting creak.

To the two first-year's surprise, there were two gingers stuffed into the stall. Among the dark scenery of the girl's bathroom, their hair fumed as if it were two burning embers. Lira would back up first, Clove following behind. "Bloody hell, I thought this was the girl's toilets, Clove. Didn't you?"

Clove would nod in agreement, "Though, they don't look much more than a pair of girly gits to me." She laughed, and as did the twins. Though, she was promptly surprised as the two filed out of the stall. 

"This is Fred-" George poked his brother, 

"This is George," Fred sent a pointed finger in George's direction. "We're identical." They spoke in unison, though it was a bit strange.

"How did you two get past the bathroom charm?" Clove asked, her eyes full of curiosity.

George smiled at Fred, and Fred back at George. Their hair was swept in their faces, as their tall length towered over the two first years. 

"Well, first off, it's quite simple really, we just turned into girls." The ginger twins batted their eyelashes, bringing the hands to their faces and cooing a soft "ooo" sound.

Clove frowned. It wasn't the answer she wanted, but the sound of footsteps outside the door hushed the four students almost immediately.

"Are you two hiding from McGonagall as well?" Her friend had furrowed her eyebrows, Lira's voice a hushed whisper. The footsteps had halted and the doorknob had turned.

 "Lira, you- y-you git!" She spoke harshly. 

As the door flung open, Minerva walked in and gasped, "The four of yo!  10 points from-" And at that, George had muttered "Impedimenta", freezing the professor in her tracks.

The four had run out of the bathroom, their giggles were almost deafening in the silence of the castle.


You were my first friend at school, how could I have known?


I hope you're liking this so far, I have been wanting to write a fanfic, it will be hella slow burn, but there will be smut lmfao, enjoy - lucky 

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