Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Jayda 22
Brian 12

"Jayda!" Brian hurried outside to where Donnie and Jayda are seated, smoking.

"Putt off the cigarette" She whispered. She stomped on both stick with her feet before Brian's arrival.

Donnie rolls his eyes in disbelief at her.

"It's Lucy. We were playing and then she tripped and bruised her leg. I already applied first aid but she keeps crying and won't let me put a band-aid on it."

The trio hurried to the backyard to find little Lucy on the grass, crying.

"Hey, sweetie" Jayda bent down to inspect the scratch.  "Pass me the bandaid" she collects the strip from Brian's hand and places it on Lucy's wound carefully.

"Check the lower kitchen cabinet by the fridge, bring the pack of candy in it," Jayda told Brian and he returned a few seconds later with the bag of candy.

Jayda removes one and hands it over to Lucy.

"Now promise me you'll stop crying if I give you this?"

Lucy replied with a nod and the minute she made contact with the candy, she stopped crying. Jayda played with her hair a bit before standing up.

"Carry your sister to the living room and make her sit on the chair until she can walk without a limp"

Brian lifted her on his shoulders into the living room.

"Don't give me that look, it's a mistake no one caused"

"I didn't give you any look... Can we go back now?"

Donnie led Jayda away from the backyard to where they'd been smoking in the front yard.


Brian 17
Jayda 27

"I'm going to wait until Donnie returns before heading upstairs," Jayda said while placing kisses on the cheeks of Lucy and Brian.

"You know what? I suddenly don't feel sleepy any more so I'll wait with you" Brian said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll take Lucy to her room and then come back right away"

"Good night mum"

Brian led Lucy upstairs.

Jayda walked to the door a few seconds later to open it for Donnie.

"Hey babe" she aimed to kiss him and he dodged the approach.

"What's wrong?" Jayda asked "Are you hungry? I prepared your favourite. Do you want to take a shower first or eat first?"

"Where's Lucy?"

"She just went to bed" Jayda replied while he walked to the centre of the living room. "What happened? You're scaring me"

"I want to break up," He said after a long pause

Jayda looked at him for some hint of unseriousness and even laughed until she saw he wasn't laughing at all.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" Jayda asked as she walked slowly to him.

"No...I'm just tired...I'm tired of living this life with you. You are an amazing person with one of the kindest heart I've ever seen but I just can't continue with this relationship anymore."

"Babe," She suddenly hugged him tight caring less if it made her look pathetic.

"You can't be serious. You were happy this morning, something must have happened at work"

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