Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Jayda shows up the next afternoon in a restaurant she'd chosen for her date with Sdavies,  wearing nothing but a white round neck cotton top on blue jean with sneakers. She brings out her phone to notify him via the App message section that she's in the

"Hi, Jayda Cruz from ChaseApp," A familiar voice says behind her and it sent cold shivers down her body.

She turns around to see the peculiar face.

"Shawn! Are you?..."

"Sdavies" he laughs.

"Oh my God!" Jayda says in between shock and uneasiness.


"I actually swiped your profile up because I recognized you from your picture," Shawn says after they settle on their respective seats.

"I assumed I wouldn't know anyone plus you used your daughter as your display picture"

"I had to do that because of you"

"Why?" Jayda asks as her smile fades.

"We left things on a rocky end and I guess I didn't want to make it worse."

"What if I didn't text you back?"

"Well thank God that didn't happen" Shawn breaks into a smile.

"Don't you think this is fate?" Shawn continues after the waiter took their order.

The sudden encounter didn't give room for Jayda to think but now with all things considered, it must be fate.

"I'm so happy we're in New York together." He takes her palm in his and gives her a firm squeeze.

"By the way, why didn't you call me when you moved to town?"

Jayda had been in a trance, thinking about all those things she'd told Shawn as Sdavies. They'd talked dirty, and she pretty much told him everything including Euphoria.

"Jayda?" He gives her a light shake that jolts her back into reality.

"Sorry, you were saying?"

"Is anything the problem?" He asks, laced with concern.

"No no no, I am fine."

"Are you sure?"  He asks again

"Yes, I am sure" She gives him an assuring smile.

"So why didn't you call me when you moved?" He asks again

"I...I um...deleted and blocked your number..."

"What?" He rests his back on the chair a bit while still holding her hands.

"No wonder my calls to you didn't go through. I had to call someone to check in on you because I was worried something bad could have happened and all this time you blocked me."

"You called someone?" She's not shocked, just surprised someone would go that length to get in touch with her.

"I had to. Yes, we may have given each other an indefinite break but I still want to hear from you. The sound of your voice and charming laugh."

Jayda curse beneath her breath as she began to blush but thankfully, he didn't notice.

"All this time you knew who I was and I was completely open towards you"

"All this time I only wanted to get to know you more and I'm fulfilled I know almost if not all about you because back in Ely, you were been too careful to share some things with me"

They share a few seconds of staring at each other.

"How's Selena?" Jayda says, breaking the stare.

"She's fine. I have her next weekend. I want you to meet her"

"As what?" Jayda bites her bottom lip in expectation of his reply.

"As my girlfriend"

"I haven't even said yes" Jayda folds her arms beneath her bosom with a smile on her lips.

Just then, a couple of people hurry to their table. Some hold placards that have 'please be my girlfriend again written on them, one has a bouquet of red roses in hand and another has velvet wrapped small box.

Shawn goes on one knee and collects the rose flowers from the guy that's holding.

"I am in love with you Jayda. Never fell out and though I don't know about the future, I want to have you in my life here on. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Jayda didn't expect the turn of events that happened today. She'd thought she'll be meeting with a stranger and not a known face. Here she is, in a beautiful restaurant being declared love to.

"Say yes," the customers say in unison.

Jayda smiled into her palm and gives him a nod.  He hands her the flowers and rises to his feet to kiss her. He then unboxes the gift box and fits the necklace around her neck.

"This is beautiful" Jayda compliments as she admires the structure with her fingers. He signals the attention for the bill to be brought.

"Shall we?" He gestures towards the door after paying the bill.

"Where are we going?" Jayda asks as they step out in the open.

"It's a surprise"


Lucy and Keisha start packing their bags in the studio after wrapping their shoot for the day. They both head to Dominic's office for their payment.

"The final commercial will be shot in two weeks, please be available." Dominic hands each of them their cheque and they leave.

"It feels so sad saying goodbye to these awesome cheques in two weeks. Anyways, It was fun while it lasted"  Keisha says as they wait for the elevator to arrive.


"Yes," Keisha turns to face her.

"Every CEO has a secretary right in front of their office right?" Lucy asks with a curious stare.


Lucy sights a cleaner nearby and hurries to him while Keisha watched in confusion.

"Excuse me, please I was supposed to meet with Mr Chase's secretary a few minutes ago and I haven't been able to reach the person. Could you please show me to the office?"

"It's on the twenty-fifth floor"

"The elevator is here" Keisha announce and Lucy hurries back to join her.

"Why are we going to the twenty-fifth floor?" Keisha asks after Lucy punched the twenty-five button instead of the ground floor button.

"I have something important I need to do and it's now or never"

As they land, they find the entire floor empty.

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