Chapter 1

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That night I was at the dock with Xavier, the water was glistening & the sky was full of stars. But the most thing was he looked upset. Anger, sadness, nervous was a mixture into his eyes. I looked at him & he noticed.

"Grace, umm I'm sorry but I have to move" his voice was soft mixture with sad.

"What? Why?" My voice broke. He was just telling me this now, seriously I thought we can tell each other anything.

"My father got a new job & were moving there, I don't want to go but I have to. I'm sorry"

"But we both wanted to go to high school together & college too"

"We can still make that happen"

"How!? Your moving probably across the state" I starred at the water, not knowing what to do.

"I don't know" he paused. "Trust me, I will think of something"

"Okay, I'm just going to miss you a lot, I won't be able to see you miserably fail at Mario Cart" I joked while chuckling.

"Hey maybe when I come back I will so beat you this time"

"Xavier lets go, we don't want to be late" his mother yelled from the car.

"I promise I will be back and we can hang out like old times"

"Will we be in contact with each other?"

"Probably, it depends if I have time" he starred at me with the saddest eyes ever, I had never seen him so sad. My chest had clutched & my heart broke even more. Tears had escaped from my eyes.

"Grace don't cry" he paused, he hugged me & kissed my forehead. We walked to his car to say our last good byes.

"Xavier, promise me you wont forget about me?" I said tears coming down.

"I promise & don't forget about me" he yelled. "I'm going to come back for you!"

"I won't" I whispered when he rode off down the street.

Flashback over~

I woke up terrified, there were sweat on my forehead & other places. I started to breathe heavily, & warm tears streamed down my face. Xavier was gone, that night where he had left me & I do miss him dearly. I'm seventeen & this happened 4 years ago, I still have these nightmares or dreams that he is gone forever. I hated the fact that he probably is having a damn good time or whatever he is doing & not missing me like I am with him. I got out of bed, I walked over to my mirror & of course I forgot to wash off my mascara. You could see the stain underneath my eyes since I rubbed my eyes. I looked over to my bed but then I had some reading to do, I checked the clock. 4:30am. I jumped onto my bed & snuggled underneath the covers, well so much for reading my book.

*beep, boop*

*beep, boop*

*beep, boop*

I slapped my hand over & over on the table to find the clock, I groaned when I think I just stabbed my hand on a push pin. What the hell is that doing on my table! Well at least the alarm went off. I got up & my hand had a speck of blood. I freaking hate blood, the worst is when my period comes. Great now I'm going to get a band aid, then get changed before I miss first period. I can't be late. I'm a procrastinator person, I can't just be late.

As I got my clothes I went down stairs, it was a sunny bright morning like every other day in North Dakota. I left home but I didn't know if my aunt went to work or stayed at a friends house, since my father couldn't take care of me. It's been hard on her, with work and the bills & last week my dad called but she never answers. She told me to stay away. So I listened.

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