Chapter 10

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We arrived there, the house had toilet paper around the front lawn, people running towards the house, loud music booming, wouldn't the neighbours noticed? Well I feel bad for them. We went inside & it smells full of drunkness & puke. I followed Naomi through the crowd of people. Well she sure does know where she is going. She walks up to a group of people that I don't know who they were.

'Wow those clothes are really umm something'

"Hey!" She says.

"Hey" they all said. This one girl who seems nice walks up to me. She looked nice & cool.

"Who's she?"

"This is Grace, meet Mandy" I waved & she smiled. "Mandy here is my other friend"

"Well Naomi has talked about you" she said. "But it's not a creepy way" I laughed.

"Who's this?" A tall, cute dude walked up to us. He looked at me. Okay now I'm uncomfortable.

"Ugh go away Todd" Naomi huffed. "Grace, Mandy we should go somewhere else" we walked away but I think I heard him whispered my name. Well that was weird. I looked at Mandy.

"Naomi tell Grace what happened"

"Let's just say I was their so called game & I was the prize" oh that's a douche move.

"Well they're an a$$" I said. They just stared at me, I think I have swear before but not infront of Naomi but Mandy I just met. "Oh come on, I do swear too"

It's midnight & I wanted to go home, I'm so bored. How is this fun? I looked at a drunk Naomi & Mandy while dancing with a group of college guys. I knew this was a bad idea, I didn't want to be alone. I don't know anyone in the room or anyone. Should I call home? I could always faked that I'm sick.

"Grace aren't you having fun?!" Said a voice, I whirled my head around & it was Kyle. Kyle! What is he doing here.

"Kyle! Are you drunk?"

"Well I don't know I see sparkles in your hair!" He said chuckling. "I'll be right back I'm going to seee my my friend..."

"Ray" I said. Remembering his friends name.

"Thank you Grace, your soo kind you should be a, a animal whisper" he slurred. He walked away, this is why you shouldn't drink. You end up not knowing what they are saying. I don't think he should be walking but he was gone.

'This isn't good at all'

"Grace come dance with us" Mandy said. She grabbed my hand, & threw me alittle where Naomi was.

"Yay Grace is here to dancee" she slurred. They started dancing & I was standing there. Their dance was really gross. The college guys were umm dancing weirdly against them & me.

"Come on sweet cheeks, dance" a random college dude said. I shook my head & walked away. This was really gross. I need to go home but I can't leave my friend here & her friend here. I walked to the back where there was a pool. I sat where there was a bench, looking at the other people here having fun. I wish I could just leave.

"You looked bored" I stared at a dude, I hope I didn't look like a creep. Well at least he seems nice.

"Yeah well I gotten dragged into this stupid party, also boring & lame. I still don't see why people enjoy these, & really why are there girls wearing really tight clothes" I rambled.

"Uh you are wearing something tight too & this is my friends party" oh I didn't know that.

"Well my friend kinda forced me to wear this & to go to this party, I actually wanted to go get pizza but look where I am... Here at this lame party!" I said. He chuckled. Did I do something funny?

"Well I guess we are on the same story except the fact I didn't want pizza" he said. "But don't say that to my friend he will get mad"

"I heard everything & I'm heart broken" I turned around facing a dude. That must be the owner of this party.

"Oh hey Brad" he said.

"Drew" he glared at him. "Who are you?" He looked at me.


"Well Grace you speak on your mind a lot" he said. "It annoys me!"

"Rude but true" I said. "Umm where is the bathroom?"

"Upstairs to the left" Drew said. "I'll come with you" I looked at him. Are you crazy!

"Umm no I'll be fine, plus I don't think we could fit on the toilet together" the two dudes started to laugh.

"That's not what I meant, I meant that there are wild people in the house that will try to go in with you" I nodded. We walked inside the house, I went to the bathroom while he waited outside the door.

I looked at the mirror, I checked my phone & it was 11:59. Yes maybe I can leave, I meant friend & I. I left the bathroom, Drew was leaning against the wall.

"Umm hi" I said walking to him.

"Grace, so uh want to look for your friends?" He asked. Wow he is really nice then most people I know but I didn't talk to people here. I nodded. We went to go look for them in the crowd.

"Do you go to my school?" I asked. He nodded. "I haven't seen you in my classes"

"I don't bother to show up for some because some teachers can talk in a monotone voice" he said. "It bores me to sleep" I saw Naomi & Mandy talking to the dudes who was dancing with them.

"Thanks for umm coming I guess, & make sure nothing happens to me at this party" I thanked him.

"No problemo well see you in school?" I nodded. He walked off to somewhere. Let's get their attention, actually not I don't want to cause a scene.

"Naomi let's go home!" I yelled over the music. She shook her head, while swaying to the music. I need new friends who can listen good.

"Relax, thiss is fuun" she giggled. "Now let's get you a drink!" Oh hell no. When she was about to walk she kinda of collapsed. Well how am I going to drag her, to the car. Ugh where was that dude.... Drew when you need help! Hmm where is Kyle! Kyle right he must still be here.

"Mandy have you seen Kyle?" I asked her. she shook her head. Well hope he didn't drink & drive. "Well see ya, let's go Naomi"

I dragged Naomi into the car, note never go to a party with her. I don't want to carry her. As we got to her house, I was beginning to sweat, wow I'm really weak as a deer. With Bambi's legs & a scarecrows arms. Finally I got her in her room, I tried picking her up. But failed, I tried again & threw her on the bed. Wow on my perspective she looks kinda dead. She just lie there breathing I think, I put my head against her chest. Yup she's is breathing.

I gotten changed into my pj's then laid on the mattress near her bed. Then my tummy grumbled. Great! Now I'm hungry. I wondered if I packed my chips in my bag. I reached over to get my bag & rumbled through it. Until I heard a crumbling noise. Got it! I pulled out my pads. I threw it back in & looked again. Got it!

I started eating like there was no tomorrow. Then fell asleep while one chip was in my mouth. I know that isn't safe but I fell asleep. Letting my eyes closed into my deep sleep.

Note: I can't even read my own story to fix anything. I might do another book cause I'm losing interest. :( but I'll keep trying.

Thanks for reading,
Victoria xoxox

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