Chapter 7

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"Grace wake up!" I heard my aunt yell from downstairs, ugh it's to early. I got out of bed and saw my hair in a bed head style, I chuckled at myself 'I woke up like this' how can Beyoncé look so flawless, when she woke up and I can't even pulled that off. Well she is the queen. I went downstairs to see Jill with a plate of toast, oh yeah first day of school. I saw Xavier who was sitting on the couch. But I just took the plate & sat at the table. I got the knife near the place mate & smeared the jam on my toast.

"My mom wants me to take you to school, since you don't know the place" he sighed, looking down on his phone. Probably texting someone. Great so back go grumpy now? What happened to yesterday, where we were joking. I nodded. I finished & placed the plate in the sink. While I was waiting outside for Xavier because someone with a large ego has to take his time in the bathroom. Seriously I take about 10 minutes.

When he came outside, we argued because I did not want to go on his motorbike. He picked me up & placed me on the back of the motorbike. Literally... I so did not need help getting onto a stupid motor bike. Okay it's not stupid but it is cool. Don't tell anyone that.

"Hold on tight! Don't want you to fall off!" He yells when the engine goes off, awe how sweet he didn't want me to get hurt. "Cause if you did I would in trouble & I would blame it on you for lack of safety" oh, okay then. I held on so I didn't want him to ramble on if his parents yell at him for my injury. It was really weird but I didn't mind, I don't want to get hurt. My eyes closed since I was nervous & worried.

The engine started to pick up speed & I didn't like that. Umm maybe it wasn't so bad as he started to zoom down the street probably at a maximum speed, until I heard a screeched. Oh. My. Gosh. My eyes flew open.

"What did you do!" I screeched.

"I didn't do anything, I stopped at the stop sign & saw two cars having a race" he shrugged.

"Oh, wouldn't the cops be here by now?"

"No they are probably busy" seriously if that happened in Chicago they would get arrested for there immature act. The ride was silent but I didn't care. I only cared about getting to school on time, because it's my first day. I got off the motorbike, I nodded saying 'thanks'

As I was walking to the front door, there were many girls looking at me or giving glances at me & some were glaring at me. I have no idea what I have done.

I went to the office to get my schedule, but then I got tripped over by someone & fell. Great! I scrambled to get off the floor, then I saw a boy that looks like from the airport.

"Grace?" He asked not really sure. I nodded. "I didn't know it was you! Sorry!"

"Well first of all ow! Then why on earth would you stuck your foot out of the middle of the hall way!" I said. Then I notice there were people looking at me.

"Sorry I thought you were someone else" he said. "You don't remembered my name, do you?" I shook my head with a sheepish smile, he chuckled. "Kyle"

"Oh yea I'm sorry, I haven't had time to text your sister" I said remembering he had one. He nodded.

"It's okay, she's been busy unpacking her things. Same as you I think" I nodded. "How's LA?

"I don't know, well it's good but I'm just not used to it" looking at the ground. "Umm can I talk to you later, there are girls giving me glances"

"Yea, it's okay just don't let them get to you. There just jealous cause they can't talk to this goddess" he smirked.

I walked away to look for my locker, okay locker 222. I got my locker opened & threw my jacket in. Now I had biology! I walked into class with my binder, I walked over to the teachers desk. But then I heard whispering.

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