Chapter 11

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I woke up with something on my face, I got up & went to the mirror. Whip cream? What is this ninth graders prank or something like that! I walked down stairs maybe I'll scare someone. I'm such a mean but loveable person. I saw Naomi who was in the kitchen so I decided I would go up to her & scare the hell out of her. I tipped toed to her I tapped her shoulder, she turned around & shrieked. Then her brother Kyle came down stairs.

"What is going on?" He asked then I turned around, he started laughing. "Naomi gotten scared because of that"

"Shut up it startled me!" She hissed.

"So umm who put whip cream on my face?" I said. They looked at each other.

"I didn't" they both said. Then Ray came down stairs, he was here? He looked at me, then starting to laugh.

"Do you have any strawberries, cause it would taste good with whip cream"

"You did this!" I hissed. He grinned, then walked away. He annoys me already. "Naomi!" I whined.

"What!" She said cooking something yummy.

"I'm hungry"

"Well food is coming on it's way no need to be whiney" she scolded. What's gotten with her, I was just hungry. I usually acted like this cause my poor tummy needs food in it. "Just uhh eat this"

"This is basil!" It's a spice? I think I don't know, don't judge me! I can't cook or baked anything. Well I have but I burnt everything. I'm not good with timing things. "I'll wait"

I sat on the chair on Instagram, my legs were crossed & I was humming to a song.

'Oh my gosh he is gorgeous!'
Scrolls down.
'Eye lashes & eye brows are on point!'
Scrolls down.
'Cool outfit"
Scrolls down.
'Eww no one cares!'
Scrolls down.
'Awee the wittle puppy'

"Grace food is ready! I made bacon, strawberry pancakes, & blueberry too!" I nodded, I got out of my seat & walked to where she was sitting. I was about to walk to her but my leg just turned numb. I fell. Thud!

"Grace you okay!" She knelt down to me.

"Uh yea my leg fell asleep & I can't get up also I'm starving. Can you bring me to the chair or bring the plate here" I said. She rolled her eyes. "Please"

"Fine" she huffed grabbing the plate & handed it to me. I grinned. I started eating.

"Wow I didn't know she was a dog" Ray said. I rolled my eyes. "We should get her a leash"

"My leg fell asleep idiot! It's nothing wrong eating here" I said. "Did you imply I was dog you idiot"

"Blah blah like I care, anyway can you do tricks?" He smirked. "Hmm let's see bark! Roll over!"

"No but I can do this" I grinned holding my middle finger up at him. How dare he call me a dog! He smirked dropped & he frowned, while Naomi was laughing her butt off. While Ray walked away to the fridge my leg started to feel okay. But it tingles. It's a weird word. Tingles. Sounds like pringle, yup I'm a happy single pringle.

"So what do you want to do today?" She asked. She talking to me? I looked around, oh right I'm the only one here.

"Hmm not sure, what do you do here for fun?" She grinned. Okay that was a scary question to ask.

"Well I like to go cliff jumping, to the fair since it's today, umm clubbing-" she trailed off.

"Uh the fair it is" I said.

"Okay let me finish my food & the we can go" she said. "& get changed too"

We walked to the fair which was like 7 minutes away. Naomi wore jean shorts, sandals, bracelets that match the bright leafy lace top & I wore a mini mouse top, jean shorts, black converse. Surprisingly I wore my hair up in a pony tail, I don't often wore it only if it was P.E. I must say arriving there was really beautiful, the lights were on that hung above us, the sweet smelling of popcorn popping, the noises that are from the games that were playing, laughing, screaming, crying everywhere, the fair looked outstanding. There was at least 20 rides, 15 games, 12 food trucks, which equals. HAPPINESS. I'm glad that I picked the fair because I didn't know the fair would look like this.

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