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"My fourth cat ran away."
"Didn't the second one also run away?"
"Yeah," Shinso sighed, "my dad kept leaving the doors open. He never sleeps yet he wanders around like he's sleepwalking."
Y/N looked out the window of the bus while the night passed them by. The bus was only ever reminding her of her conversation from the other night. She had left Shigaraki empty-handed, returning to Shinso like a friend.

Y/N was torn. Shigaraki was right about her, which was quite annoying. She didn't want to leave Shinso, nor show her true colors. However, Shinso was never meant to last, and that's what tore her up the most.
"Hey, are you alright?"
He nudged her arm, "you seem distracted."
"Oh, yeah. I've just had a long day at school."
Shinso nodded, eyes roaming around the empty bus before testing his luck.
"Which school do you go to again?"
"Public," she answered swiftly.
"Close by. How's your school going?"

Shinso turned his head, cursing himself for letting her change the subject.
"Fine. I got extra practice today with my upperclassmen, so that was great."
"I can tell you've gotten stronger," she complimented, squeezing his muscular arm.
Before he could get flustered over such contact, he kept trying to push the boundary of conversation.
"Yeah, I guess. But one of the second-years was crying today."
She scoffed, "about what?"
"A purple watch."

Y/N felt sick, head dropping.
"Have you been honest with me, Y/N?"
Her stomach churned as she tried to calm her voice.
"About what?"
"Your friends."
She leaned back, sighing, "I guess not. Am I obligated to tell you?"
Shinso crossed his arms, grumbling, "yes? I would think so? We're friends, aren't we?"
"Are we?"

He gasped with disbelief, "I've known you for months! I'd like to think we are!"
"Months yet you don't know anything about me."
"I'm trying! You get defensive whenever I ask! Just like this!"
Y/N avoided his eyes, "why are you bringing my friends up?"
"Because I saw the watch. It was the exact one you lost! Not to mention, they both speak of an accident without details and that sounds close enough to a reason for separation!"

Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, realizing that Shinso had always been that observant, he just kept it to himself. She wondered if her time with him truly was going to cut itself short.
"Was it Maiko?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the window.
"And Jin."
"Jin," she whispered, "of course."
Shinso grabbed her arm, pulling Y/N closer. She could see his face in the dark glass, looking at the mess she had caught herself in.
"The accident. The reason you've lost your friends. The reason all the second-years act weird, is it because of you?"

Y/N knew friendship was meaningless. How could she have fooled herself into pursuing another one?
"I told you I did something bad. I hurt someone, Shinso."
He listened to her broken voice, full of regret.
"So were you expelled because you hurt someone? Then your friends left you?"
"No. It doesn't fucking matter. Just let me off at the next spot and you can forget about me."
"What are you talking about? Whatever happened, I'm sure—you're a good person, Y/N. It can't be as bad as you're making it out to be."
She shook her head, "stop talking like that. It's really annoying."

Annoying. Heroes are annoying.
"Why did you ask me why I wanted to be a hero?"
Shinso grasped her arm, holding her down despite how much she tried to avoid any of his gazes.
"What's it matter?"
"You hate them. Yet, you looked so satisfied with my answer. You called me a hero yourself."
She hid her smile, "suppose I did. I asked because I've never known of a real hero. You have good intentions, you talk like a fucking inspirational speaker, you seem real enough to me."

He saw her flushed cheek as she slightly turned her head, Y/N gave him a short laugh, "so congrats, Shinso. You aren't an asshole."
Before she could disappear behind her back again, he leaned down, taking her chin with his thumb.
"Y/N," Shinso lifted her face, "can I please kiss you?"
Her eyes widened, her face becoming hotter as she craved it.
He could feel the burn against his skin, a common feeling that he came to love.
Y/N hummed a decline.
"You'll curse us. Nothing good ever comes from kissing me."

𝑅𝐸𝐽𝐸𝐶𝑇 ┊ 𝐻𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑆𝐻𝐼 𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑁𝑆𝑂Where stories live. Discover now