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"You'll listen?"
"Yes, please, Y/N. I just want to know what happened."
Shinso had never been one to lie to her. Even when he had his suspicions, he never hid his intentions.

The lantern flickered behind them as Y/N took a deep breath, explains the events of that afternoon. The open window, the gunshots, the blood that spread across the floors.
She spoke of the burnt body like it was nothing, as she had thought of that man every day and what she'd done to him.
After she finished, Shinso was quiet, so quiet she could hear each breath he took.
Y/N prepared to defend herself.
"You rescued them."
She rose her head, Shinso staring at his own hands. His voice got louder as he raced through her explanation.
"That villain attacked you all—and- and you stopped him."
"And—they—they called that murder?"
"I'm just a student. I used my quirk illegally."
"You saved their asses!"

He stood up, pacing with his hands running through his hair.
"You're a fucking hero, Y/N!"
"I'm not," she said, standing up and taking his arm, "I've hurt people. I've—I've stalked people, burned them, I've—I've done more since then."
"I don't go to school. My parents moved to escape the insults. I'm just rotting in my own house, taking their abuse."
He took her hands, wrinkled and burned from constant fires.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I lied to you. You made me feel—I liked you so much! I actually forgot about the world because I liked you so much."

She placed her head upon his chest.
"I thought maybe with you, my life would return-!"
She tried to weep, his form softening to her touch.
"Hitoshi, I can't be with you. I'm a villain now. I'm a killer. We can't ever be together, not even if we tried."
"Y/N," he whispered, rubbing her back.
"I can't just sit around and continue to be a shell of a person. I can't just—imagine the good lives — the lives they're living after what they've done to me."
"Y/N—I like you too," he said, voice breaking as he placed a kiss on her head. "Reality is cruel," he cried, holding her close. He didn't mind her warmth; he appreciated it, never wanting to leave it.

Y/N had waited on the prospect of her life becoming better for too long, so much that she felt it could come true.
Standing here, with the notorious League of villains, she realized she was lying to herself.

She had now given herself to them, all for a girl who ruined her life. Tomo held everything Y/N wanted. Tomo was her figure of hope, the hope of a future where everything turned out alright.
"I really thought you'd kill her," Dabi laughed at her, stretching out his arms as the aura of the room calmed.
The tears that had streamed down Tomo's face didn't make her feel pity, not after hearing her admit to digging her grave.
"I wanted to," Y/N answered, making him confused.
"I also wanted to love her again."
Love. How utterly ridiculous it was to him to hold onto such a thing.
Dabi rolled his eyes, "should've just killed her. What the hell has she done for you?"

Toga clapped her hands in front of Y/N face.
"Let's go kill her now! She won't be expecting it!"
"No-! I—"
"You had a plan to kill them, didn't you? What makes her so different?"
The man Y/N originally followed to find the League, he leaned against a wall, arms crossed. His mask clasp over his face, hat gone from his head.
"I liked your plan," he said, "but there's no way you can do it if you keep your good heart."
Y/N clutched her chest, mind racing and pounding.

She was forced to acknowledge the worst truth.
Tomo hasn't seen her differently than anybody else.

"You killed someone else, right?" Dabi asked, sitting down, "the day Handsy found you?"
"You all know about that?"
"Of course!" Toga wrapped her arms around her, "why do you keep hesitating? You came to us for help. Accept that you're apart of us now."
Shinso. She knew he was often the causation for second thoughts.
"Y/N," Toga hummed, stroking her face, "we'll help you kill. Maybe get you back into your groove."

𝑅𝐸𝐽𝐸𝐶𝑇 ┊ 𝐻𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑆𝐻𝐼 𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑁𝑆𝑂Where stories live. Discover now