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"Son of a bitch."
"That's ten points for me, Jin!"
Maiko pushed at his chest, laughing as he plucked his playing card out from the wall.
He tore Maiko's piece of paper down, which she had used as a target for card throwing instead of the scratched up and scarred wall like Jin. He hated losing to her.
"I thought you'd struggle more, but you've been getting the hang of it."
"Don't sound so upset." Maiko walked back to Katsumi who was sitting atop a desk behind them.
"Well, how is your hand doing? My chest is still looking pretty bad," he asked.
"It's fine," she answered him, "what's wrong with you?"
"My scar looks horrible."

"I couldn't imagine the horror."
Jin plucked the king of hearts from his box and held it between his fingers, careful not to cut himself for the millionth time.
"I was just asking—no need to be sassy."
He slung the card at the wall, where at that moment, the door slid open and Kaminari stepped into the room.
The card lodged into Kaminari's arm, making him immediately start screaming.

"Holy shit!" Jin rushed over to him, "Denki! What are-stop yelling!"
Kaminari's eyes were wide, his entire body shaking.
"Shut up! Shut up!" he begged.
Suddenly, Denki's voice seized as Katsumi raised her hand.
It still looked as if he were yelling, but nothing came out. She hated using the silencing aspect of her quirk.
"What the fuck, Seiso?" she berated, continuing to hold Denki's voice. The group tried to shield Denki from the other students in the study hall, whose eyes looked away at the sight of blood.
"I didn't mean to!"
Kaminari's eyes darted quickly between Jin's, his heavy breathing being the only audible noise coming from his mouth.

"Denki-Kun, you need to be quiet. We'll help you," Katsumi assured, releasing his voice to reveal his whimpering.
"Where the hell is Tomo?" She asked.
"Kaikaku is doing a job somewhere," Maiko shrugged, "she was supposed to be back a while ago!"
Kaminari felt like he was going to feint.
"What-I-holy-What do I do?"
"It's fine-Denki," Jin shrugged, "I'm going to remove it and then we'll clean up the blood."
"You better hope and pray that you didn't hit anything important," Maiko told him.
"It's not that deep."

Jin's words didn't assure the younger of the group and Kaminari started to breath heavily again.
Jin took his thin fingers and plucked the card out, thankfully, only letting small streams of blood flow down his arm.
"It's fine, we're fine."
Maiko took off her sweatshirt, wrapping it around Kaminari's arm.
"This is the last class of the day. So just go to the nurse and you'll be fine."

"No," Jin shook his head, "the nurse will ask what happened. I don't want to get into trouble."
"Denki-Kun needs medical attention," Maiko grumbled, "that's what's important."
"Denki," Jin put his hand on his shoulder, "just go to your dorm and we'll get Tomo to go fix you."
Maiko slapped Jin's hand away.

"He's going to the nurse!"
"He's going to his dorm!"
Denki, squeezing the sweater tighter on his wound, looked between his upperclassman while they bickered.
"I'll go to my dorm," he said, making Jin smile.
"Perfect! Mai! The boy has spoken."

Grabbing his notebook, which he had left in the room, Denki sighed, "it's okay. I'll just let your friend fix me up."
"Denki-Kun, let me walk you," Katsumi offered, "I'm still worried about you."
"Thanks, Boisuda-San!"
The two left the room, while Maiko shook her head at Jin.
"You are the most irresponsible quirk-user," she insulted, "hurting him so carelessly."

Jin's fists shook, the healing cuts in his hands seething with pain. He leaned down to her ear and whispered, "are you going to cry and sob about it?"
He smiled, seeing just how fast she stiffened.
"Are your eyes going to freeze every time someone says my name?"
Maiko wanted to wipe his stupid smile off his face.
"Fuck you."

"You were amazing tonight," Tomo complimented, taking Y/N's hands in her own. "You're such a quick thinker."
"I'm glad you think so. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt," Y/N blushed, hearing such words from Tomo.
"You did burn your hands pretty badly through." Tomo ran her finger over Y/N's palms, the sensitive ripples in her skin sending shivers down her spine.

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