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Y/N leaned against the wall of the decrepit apartment, the windows boarded up. She stood near said windows, the room too cold without doing so.
From a broken and torn up couch sat the leader of the League she had run off to.
"What made you come here?"
Toga couldn't drop her smile at the prospect of Y/N being here, offering herself to them.
"I was stuck in the past," she shrugged, "I got hit by reality."
Shigaraki's hand were cupped in his lap, leaning towards her, his eyes peering around the curved of the fingers stuck to his face.

"And why should we trust you?"
She squinted, "you asked me to pick a side. Don't throw that trust bullshit out."
Y/N kicked off the wall, startling him, "I've been kicked out of hero society. Same as all of you. That is trust enough."
She got close to the League's leader, the heat around her body could be felt from where she stood. He hated the danger she radiated like she knew how powerful she was.
Before he could retaliate her claim, Y/N brought news to the table.
"I came here so we can forget about my original deal. My new plan is ready. I'm done protecting them."

Toga clapped her hands admiring the heat of Y/N's body and her pretty face, "tell us the plan, Y/N!"
Y/N hummed, mellowing in the attention she was getting. "Twelve kids got injured the day I committed murder. All by gunshots."
Toga bit her lips as Y/N confidently continued, "That's twelve kids that would've died if I hadn't acted. I plan to show U.A that reality."
He was satisfied with such an answer, although slightly off-put. It was a bold plan, that was for certain. The assassination of twelve students from such a school wouldn't be easy, but Y/N wasn't an easy person.
"I don't have them picked out, but can't be too hard. You all suck at sneaking into places, however, so it's probably best for me to do it myself."
"That's not how we work," Shigaraki declined, standing up and removing the hand off his face. His slow, darkened movements did make her blood rush, that she'd admit. "You may be like us, but that doesn't mean you're loyal. I think we need some sort of accountability measure."

Y/N was willing to throw the rest of her life away, but she was afraid she would not be able to throw away someone else's. Saying a plan is one thing, but actually going through with it is another. Shigaraki was making sure she wasn't dragging them down a path of failure.
"Like what?" She asked, urging to hear what horrid proposal he had in mind.
"Maybe you should do a demonstration," Toga chimed in, rubbing her blushing cheeks as her blood rose at the thought.
"Demonstr-are you—"
"What a great idea," Shigaraki smiled, his rough laughter making Y/N's skin itch, "well, L/N."

He walked towards her, invading her sunlight and making her step into the shadow. The light made his face look even worse.
"You find your first student. You bring them here. Shouldn't be a problem, right?"
Y/N felt the warmth of her hands, the sweat that dripped down her back, and the cold, clammy feel of her face. She knew she looked pale, that was the only reason he was smiling.
With a twitching eye, she broke a chuckle, "you don't think I'll do it?"
He didn't want her to be the rule-maker. Her attitude had been getting on his last nerves. She finally understood that.
"Not in the slightest, but I suppose you can prove me wrong."

Shigaraki leaned, the details of his destroyed skin churned her stomach.
"If you don't come back, we won't hesitate to find you and kill you."
"I don't belong to you," she retorted, her mouth speaking before her mind. It was buzzing, running too quickly.
"It's for safety," he assured with a tone that told her it wasn't for safety. "I wouldn't want my group to be outed to the police."
Y/N stepped away, placing her eyes towards the door, "they wouldn't fucking believe me, so you don't have to worry."

She moved towards the old, wood door, her sweating hand slipping onto the knob, "I'll be back."
Y/N shut the door behind her, her broken heart moving faster than her mind.


"Why do you have cuts on your face?"
The room was an uneasy silence, Tomo's voice cutting through as she entered the dorm. She was with Maiko, who was gripping to her long cardigan.
Katsumi pointed to Jin in answer to her wounded face, who rolled his eyes in wanting to avoid judgment.
"I brought Maiko like you asked," she said, lifting Kat's chin for a better look.
"It better be important," Maiko quietly mumbled, "she woke me from bed."

𝑅𝐸𝐽𝐸𝐶𝑇 ┊ 𝐻𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑆𝐻𝐼 𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑁𝑆𝑂Where stories live. Discover now