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"So where did you go last night?"
Y/N dropped a box of crackers into the shopping cart.
"Y/N, answer me."
She looked up at her mother before her wrist was grabbed and held up.
"Your hand is burned. Where did you go?"
"I didn't go anywhere."
The smell of steam coming off her mother left her eyes wanting to cry.
"I visited a friend."
"You can not visit those people. I don't want to get charged."

Her mother continued on, letting her daughter trail behind her.
"I don't know why you can't understand it, Y/N. You made a poor decision and you have to suffer the consequences."
"I didn't make a poor decision."
"We wouldn't have had to move if it was a good decision. I wouldn't have gotten fired from my job if it was a good decision. You're such a disappointment."
Y/N stuffed her hands in her pockets, feeling her stomach churn.
"You just had to blow going to that prestigious school."

Her mother continued to shop, following her list and avoiding the eyes of the other shoppers.
Y/N, however, couldn't ignore it.
"Isn't that the wannabe hero?"
Her nose scrunched up, the skin on her burned hand aching as she clenched her fist.
"She hurt a bunch of kids because she wanted to show off. Terrible story."
The mother was speaking quite loudly to her husband. His response was to pick up his child from their cart and hold them close.
Y/N stopped in her track, glaring at the insight and utter lies that woman was spreading.

"Y/N. Let's go," her own mother demanded, tugging on her arm. The woman and her husband looked frightened, knowing that Y/N was looking at them. Their eyes widened at her.
"You should control your daughter," the woman hissed, "she shouldn't even be allowed near other kids."
Y/N's mother was steaming, the heat stored within her own body releasing hot air.
"Let's go, Y/N." Her nails dig into the teen's arm, where it was clear just how hot her body had gotten.
"What a horrible mother," the lady shook her head, trying to get her family to move along, "shouldn't even be allowed to parent. Created a future villain."

Finally, the floor swayed under her feet and Y/N was pulled harshly to follow her mom.
"I can't even go outside with you anymore without shit like that happening. I hope what you did was worth it."
Y/N held her tongue, even on the car ride home despite more words of disappointment coming from her parent. It wasn't exactly what he mother said that made her angry. It was that people had made up their own reason for her actions.
She didn't like hearing lies about what she did. She didn't like hearing lies from people who think they knew what happened.

She wanted so badly to cry, simply because even the people that were there refused to tell the truth.

"Okay, Y/N-Chan! Start the timer!"
Getting into a fighting stance, Jin and Maiko faced off.
"What record are you going for this time, Seiso-Kun?" Maiko taunted, cracking her knuckles.
"Under a minute!" He beamed, taking a quick step before attempting to throw a punch. Maiko blocked it, carefully stepping to the side.
"Too slow. Don't let me predict your movement."
Y/N held the timer in her hand, watching the two of them fight in the training room. Aizawa was noticeably missing, but most teachers would leave them on their own during study hall time.
Y/N had wanted to get actual work done, but instead her friends wanted to spend their study hall fighting.

Jin had almost landed a punch on Maiko before the minute mark if it weren't for a portal on the floor that he tripped on.
"No fair!" He wined before she pressed her foot to his back to pin him.
"All's fair in a quirk fight."
Y/N showed Maiko her time while Jin collapsed on the seat beside her.
"You should learn how to fight, Y/N," he told her, wiping his face with a towel, "it'd be good even if you aren't a hero."
"I'm okay," she replied as Maiko took the other seat, "I don't think I'll be in any fights like that."

"It's still good to know defense," Maiko smiled, "who knows, if you're good at it than maybe you can-"
"I know where that's going," she chuckled, "but it's seriously fine."
"What would convince you to practice with us?"
Y/N looked over at Jin's arm before lifting it up.
"I want your watch. You can have it back if you teach me well enough to beat you, otherwise, thief, I'm keeping it."
"Thief..?" He mumbled, looking at the stolen, purple watch wrapped around his wrist, "fine. I know you'll learn from me, so I know I'll be getting it back."
"Okay then, I'll let you teach me," she smiled, taking the watch from him and putting it on.
"Then let's get started! My wrist feels naked already!"

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