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This chapter contains a character I meant to add earlier but had trouble placing him. I hope you enjoy them nonetheless.


"This is really good," Shinso said while eating his ice cream.
Y/N nodded as she sat beside him. She ran her fingers over the tally mark's etched into the table.
"I love this place."
"I'm still bummed about moving away so quickly. I hope it hasn't been too hard on you."
"You should be worried about yourself," she sighed, "not me."

Continuing to eat, Shinso watched Y/N closely. Her shoulders were drawn in and her head faced the ground. She had sat in the shade, a place he usually wouldn't find her.
"You know...the dorms aren't guarded all night. I could probably sneak you in some time just to hang out."
Y/N's eyes looked enlightened at the thought. Perhaps her plans weren't all down the drain just yet.
"I wouldn't want you to get in trouble," she shook her head. It was true, at least a little bit. Shinso was currently her only connection to U.A. If he got in trouble and was found with her, he'd be told every reason in the book to stay away.

"I know my way around, Y/N. Plus, you're good at sneaking around."
She rolled her eyes.
He grinned before pulling something out of his pocket.
"I got you something."
"You shouldn't have," she told him, being completely serious.
Opening up his hand, a red-colored watch lie on top.

Her eyes were mesmerized by its deep color.
"It was my dad's but he doesn't need it anymore. The red reminded me of you since you're always using fire and stuff."
Looking up at each other, Y/N didn't know how to feel.
She was putting too much trust in this boy. Perhaps it was the other way around.

Holding out her wrist, Shinso put it on her and he watched her look at it, amazed at its beauty.
"Shinso," she mumbled, "I shouldn't take this."
"Why not? I liked your old watch. I thought you could use a new one."
She didn't want to take it. She didn't want anything from him. She was getting too attached. He was getting too attached.
"I'm not taking it back," he crossed his arms. "You're stuck with it now."

"You're what?!"
Y/N clamped her hand over her friend's mouth.
"Jinji! The entire classroom doesn't need to know!"
Jinji, a hero course student who was in the same study hall as Y/N, waved his hands apologetically.
"Sorry! But that's a big step! Your parents? I didn't know you and Jin were so serious."
She blushed, turning away from him.
"We've been dating for awhile N'ji. Of course he's meeting my parents."
"Well your mom is really sweet, so it should go well for him."

"Osuhiku," Jin faked his smile as he walked up to the two of them.
"Hey, Seiso! Our fight during class today was really cool! I think Aizawa was impressed."
Jin chuckled, grasping his hands on Y/N's shoulders.
"Yeah, it was interesting, to say the least."
Jin brought his lips to Y/N's ears.
"Let's get going. I don't want to stick around any longer."

She looked over at her friend, who's lightly colored hair shined from the sun coming through the windows.
"It was nice to talk to you again, N'ji, I wish we could talk more."
She stood up, Jin's hands still curled around her.
"Okay, bye-bye, Osuhiku," Jin smiled, dropping it as soon as he turned around.

The two began to walk to Y/N's house, to sun feeling nice against her skin.
"You shouldn't be jealous of Jinji," she commented, knowing it was probably stupid to bring it up.
"I'm not."
"You are."
"Oh well excuse me for not liking you flirting with N'ji."
"I have a nickname for you too, Jinny."
He blew a raspberry as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"Dude's a loser anyway."

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