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(Okay,but like,guess whose publishing her FiveXReader book tomorrow?)

Y/n and Aidan 'hating'
eachother for Five ;)
minutes straight
Y/n and Aidan being
the literal parents of
George for four minutes
Y/n and Aidan being
the literal (C/n) and
Five for four minutes
Aidan raining Y/n with
love and attention for
Seven minutes straight
Y/n being the child she
is for 1 hour lol
Y/n and Aidan's
livestream compilation
Y/n and Aidan behind
the scenes
(C/n) and Five
bickering like an old
married couple
because they are an
old married couple
Five and Vanya
fighting for (C/n)'s
attention for
13 minutes straight
Y/n hating Luther for
Five's minutes ▶️play

Bold with (*)-is the opinion of the editor


"Guys?,I found the charger"Y/n announces as everyone looks at her

"I NEED IT!"everyone yells at unison as they tried to grab it Y/n's hand

"Start the bidding!"Five yells

"95%!"Luther yells

"45%!"Diego yells louder

"2%!"Klaus yells with pleading eyes

"Sold to the poor child with 2%"Five announces as he gave the charger to Klaus who cheers

"Luther why the fuck would you charge your phone at 95%?"Y/n asked in confusion


"I'm gonna kill Luther—"Y/n yells as Five tries to hold her back by wrapping his arms on her waist from behind

"Y/n you can't!,he's my brother!"Five yells

"He killed my character!,now I'm back to level 1!"Y/n complains

"I need revenge!,Five let me go!"

"Calm down first!"

Y/n then inhales and exhales as Five lets go of her when he feels that she calmed down.

"Sike bitch,I'm still gonna kill him!"Y/n blew raspberries at Five as she ran away

"Y/n no—"


Five eyes widened as he sees Y/n crying in Klaus's arms,he immediately spatial jumps infront of Y/n.

"What happened?"Five asks

"Y/n took one of those 'Which Umbrella Academy Kid Are You' quizzes"Klaus answered laughing earning a smack from Y/n


"Who did she get?"Five asks

"Luther"Klaus laughs and Y/n sobs louder

"I got the son of a bitch!Can you believe that?"Y/n cries as she hugs Five

"Hey its okay,remember when I got Klaus?"


Y/n on twitter:

I have been told that I'm too negative and hostile towards Luther.So ape man,if my tweets have offended you,I humbly apologizes.I didn't know you could read.

@LutherHargreeves replied:
Thanks Y/n🙄
@Y/nHargreeves replied:
No prob asshole


"Lets practice okay?"Five asks and Y/n nodded as she wraps her hand on the steering wheel.

"So you're driving,then Luther,Vanya and Klaus are in the middle of the road.Quick!,what do you hit?"Five explains the situation

"Luther definitely,I would never hurt Klaus and Vanya!"Y/n exclaims as Five shooks his head

Massaging his temples Five sighs,"The brakes Y/n,you hit the brakes"

"Oh,okayBut does that mean I can't hit Luther?"Y/n asks


Luther:Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?🥺


Y/n:Absolutely not

Diego:I hope it sucks whatever you're going through

Y/n:"I hope its sucks"

Klaus:I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life


Five:I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you

Y/n:I can't wait to go to your funeral knowing that I could have changed the outcome🥰

Klaus:It goes shit real quick😂

Luther:What the hell?,I was just asking if you guys would be there for me😭


"I need to get back on Luther"Y/n announces as she walks in the living room

"Why?,what happened?"Klaus asks

"Luther threw me at a ball pit"Y/n mutters

"Isn't that fun?"Klaus asks

"Well its is!,except Five is with me!I threw one ball at him and he got too competive and threw a dozen at me!"Y/n exclaims

"Then isn't Five the one you should get back with?"Klaus asks in confusion

"Nah,I'm not really angry at Five.I love that bastard.I just really need a valid reason to kill Luther"Y/n shruggs


"If I hit myself in the head and it hurts does that mean I'm weak or strong?"




"And a coward,use a knife"-Y/n

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